
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/28 05:04:39


I'm not going to lie to you,I adored this film,it's extremely cute,hilarious,and puts a huge smile on your face when all is said and done,Reese Witherspoon is incredible!.All the characters are wonderful,and the story is simply adorable!,plus Reese Witherspoon is simply incredible in this!.When I rented this I wasn't expecting much just an enjoyable chick flick,that you forget the next day after right away,however what I got was a film that's now one of my favorite movies period,and I look forward to seeing the sequel big time!,plus The dog is just plain hilarious!.All the characters are all extremely likable,and the opening is just plain hilarious!,plus The finale was just awesome!.Reese Witherspoon continues to amaze me with her incredible versatility,and beauty and You will find yourself rooting for her,as Elle,is just so incredibly likable!(Even in a ditsy way sometimes!),plus Reese and Luke Wilson had very good chemistry together!.
Sure It's predictable,but it just has a certain charm that you can't help but fall in love with!,and everyone was perfectly casted!,plus The Soundtrack is just brilliant!.Jennifer Coolidge is wonderful in her role!plus The ending was fantastic!.It's good natured,and it's extremely well written and made as well!,plus Ali Larter was also fantastic!.It's quite original,and deserves all the good credit it gets!,plus Reese had some fantastic dialog as well!.It never gets old,and remains fresh and hilarious throughout!,plus i think it's one of the best comedies of all time!.This is not for everybody,and not all guys will like it,however I believe it's something everybody can enjoy,and it gives you characters you root for!,plus I loved it when Elle made Professor Callahan(Victor Garber),look like a fool!at the end!.
I realize my review probably won't be too popular,and I may be over rating it to some,however it's just that I loved this film in all aspects,I had no idea I would like it this much!,plus it's the best Chick flick i have ever seen!,along with Romy And Michelle's High School Reunion!.Matthew Davis didn't impress me all that much though,and I wish the film could have been a bit longer,however those are minor things,as I loved this film!.
The Direction is wonderful!.Robert Luketic does a wonderful job here,even if he is an asshole(supposedly)with wonderful camera work,and keeping the film fresh,lively hilarious,and at an extremely fast pace!
The Acting is amazing!.Reese Witherspoon is amazing as always,and is incredible here!,she is incredibly gorgeous,extremely hilarious,lovably perky,and energetic,incredibly likable,played one of the coolest characters ever!,has a certain charm,that's impossible to dislike!,and was born to play this role!,she was incredible!.(Reese Rules!).Luke Wilson did great with what he had to do,he was very likable,and had great chemistry with Reese i liked him a lot!.Selma Blair is very cute,and did excellent as the bitch at 1st,however she turned out to be quite likable,she was really good!.Matthew Davis is very bland,and didn't convince me at all,he was also kind of annoying!.Victor Garber is great as the professor,and did his job very well.Jennifer Coolidge is hilarious in her role,she had good chemistry with Reese,and was enjoyable to watch!.Ali Larter is stunningly gorgeous,and did excellent with what she had to do,she had a cool character and was into her role!.Oz Perkins is very funny,I loved him!.Rest of the cast do awesome.
Overall this is now one of my favorite movies of all time!,and if you haven't seen it do so immediately,you probably won't regret it!

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