拜托大家用英文写点关于转基因植物的东西给我!急明天就要用了!没有资料的话 直接到百度百科里去找几段翻译一下也行!

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/02 06:12:07
拜托大家用英文写点关于转基因植物的东西给我!急明天就要用了!没有资料的话 直接到百度百科里去找几段翻译一下也行!

拜托大家用英文写点关于转基因植物的东西给我!急明天就要用了!没有资料的话 直接到百度百科里去找几段翻译一下也行!
明天就要用了!没有资料的话 直接到百度百科里去找几段翻译一下也行!

拜托大家用英文写点关于转基因植物的东西给我!急明天就要用了!没有资料的话 直接到百度百科里去找几段翻译一下也行!
Genetically modified plants are plants whose DNA is modified using genetic engineering techniques. In most cases the aim is to introduce a new trait to the plant which does not occur naturally in this species. Examples include resistance to certain pests, diseases or environmental conditions, or the production of a certain nutrient or pharmaceutical agent.
Genetically engineered plants are generated in a laboratory by altering the genetic makeup, usually by adding one or more genes, of a plant's genome using genetic engineering techniques. Most genetically modified plants are generated by the biolistic method (particle gun) or by Agrobacterium tumefaciens mediated transformation.
In the biolistic method, DNA is bound to tiny particles of gold or tungsten which are subsequently "shot" into plant tissue or single plant cells under high pressure. The accelerated particles penetrate both the cell wall and membranes. The DNA separates from the metal and is integrated into the plant genome inside the nucleus. This method has been applied successfully for many cultivated crops, especially monocots like wheat or maize, for which transformation using Agrobacterium tumefaciens has been less successful.The major disadvantage of this procedure is that serious damage can be done to the cellular tissue.
Agrobacteria are natural plant parasites, and their natural ability to transfer genes is used for the development of genetically engineered plants. To create a suitable environment for themselves, these Agrobacteria insert their genes into plant hosts, resulting in a proliferation of plant cells near the soil level (crown gall). The genetic information for tumour growth is encoded on a mobile, circular DNA fragment (plasmid). When Agrobacterium infects a plant, it transfers this T-DNA to a random site in the plant genome. When used in genetic engineering the bacterial T-DNA is removed from the bacterial plasmid and replaced with the desired foreign gene. The bacterium is a vector, enabling transportation of foreign genes into plants. This method works especially well for dicotyledonous plants like potatoes, tomatoes, and tobacco. Agrobacteria infection is less successful in crops like wheat and maize.
Genetically modified plants have been developed commercially to improve shelf life, disease resistance, herbicide resistance and pest resistance. Plants engineered to tolerate non-biological stresses like drought , frost and nitrogen starvation or with increased nutritional value (e.g. Golden rice[30]) were in development in 2011. Future generations of GM plants are intended to be suitable for harsh environments, produce increased amounts of nutrients or even pharmaceutical agents, or are improved for the production of bioenergy and biofuels. Due to high regulatory and research costs, the majority of genetically modified crops in agriculture consist of commodity crops, such as soybean, maize, cotton and rapeseed.However, commercial growing was reported in 2009, of smaller amounts of genetically modified sugar beet, papayas, squash (zucchini), sweet pepper, tomatoes, petunias, carnations, roses and poplars. Recently, some research and development has been targeted to enhancement of crops that are locally important in developing countries, such as insect-resistant cowpea for Africa and insect-resistant brinjal (eggplant) for India.
In research tobacco and Arabidopsis thaliana are the most genetically modified plants, due to well developed transformation methods, easy propagation and well studied genomes.They serve as model organisms for other plant species. Genetically modified plants have also been used for bioremediation of contaminated soils. Mercury, selenium and organic pollutants such as polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) have been removed from soils by transgenic plants containing genes for bacterial enzymes
Transgenic plants have genes inserted into them that are derived from another species. The inserted genes can come from species within the same kingdom (plant to plant) or between kingdoms (bacteria to plant). In many cases the inserted DNA has to be modified slightly in order to correctly and efficiently express in the host organism. Transgenic plants are used to express proteins like the cry toxins from Bacillus thuringiensis, herbicide resistant genes and antigens for vaccinations
Cisgenic plants are made using genes found within the same species or a closely related one, where conventional plant breeding can occur. Some breeders and scientists argue that cisgenic modification is useful for plants that are difficult to crossbreed by conventional means (such as potatoes), and that plants in the cisgenic category should not require the same level of legal regulation as other genetically modified organisms.
In research plants are engineered to help discover the functions of certain genes. One way to do this is to knock out the gene of interest and see what phenotype develops. Another strategy is to attach the gene to a strong promoter and see what happens when it is over expressed. A common technique used to find out where the gene is expressed is to attach it to GUS or a similar reporter gene that allows visualisation of the location.
The first commercialised genetically modified plants (Flavr Savr tomatoes) used RNAi technology, where the inserted DNA matched an endogenous gene already in the plant. When the inserted gene is expressed it can repress the translation of the endogenous protein. Host delivered RNAi systems are being developed, where the plant will express RNA that will interfere with insects, nematodes and other parasites protein synthesis. This may provide a novel way of protecting plants from pests.

拜托大家用英文写点关于转基因植物的东西给我!急明天就要用了!没有资料的话 直接到百度百科里去找几段翻译一下也行! 植物转基因的过程 做一种转基因植物 的流程是什么 具体点 关于国内外转基因技术发展现状与成果.要写转基因技术的研究报告,关于国内外转基因技术发展的现状与成果.最好用对比和论文的形式.实在写不来.请写过或者了解的亲给点素材或者分享下 请大家用英文帮我这几句话好吗 关于巴黎铁塔的 主食英文怎么说?拜托给一个好听点的. 大家用百度翻译帮我写一篇关于不抽烟的英语文章谢谢了 转基因植物研究的作用 关于自我保护的事例作文我想写亲身经历的,拜托大家给我想点题材,可以不要范文, 中国政府为什么会 允许转基因食品 金龙鱼 福临门 都是转基因大豆油 制作方法 怎么想的?转基因植物 不确定的危害性 也许我们的下一代是怪物 谁能帮助写一篇英文作文:请用便条的形式提醒大家用环保购物袋, 英文好的进来帮个忙.我想大家用正确的英文帮我写个地址.我想写的地址是:海珠区江海街红卫新村中华东2巷3号用英文帮我写出来.我要用来收外国的信件的.英文好点的来帮帮忙啊.这么多答 转基因动物与转基因植物的产生有什么不同 转基因培养后的植物会性状遗传给下一代么? 请大家用英语写一片短文,40至50个单词左右.关于介绍熟悉的人 什么东西含咖啡因?包括食物,植物,帮我写的具体点 英文的祝福的话我一个朋友要去加拿大了,想给她写点东西.放在开头,写什么好.总之就是祝福的话. 关于抗病转基因植物的问题,书上说抗病转基因植物所使用的目的基因多为病毒的复制酶基因,这是为什么呢?如果使用这种基因,植物自身就可以合成病毒复制酶,不是给病毒提供了更好的繁殖