要求就只有2个,一个是一定要用到以下四个单词:1.oath 名词 2.decay 动词 3.mingle 动词 4.anonymous 形容词 ,这四个词顺序无要求,只是一定要用对形式!第二个要求便是故事只需7到8句话!

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/30 04:42:11
要求就只有2个,一个是一定要用到以下四个单词:1.oath 名词 2.decay 动词 3.mingle 动词 4.anonymous 形容词 ,这四个词顺序无要求,只是一定要用对形式!第二个要求便是故事只需7到8句话!

要求就只有2个,一个是一定要用到以下四个单词:1.oath 名词 2.decay 动词 3.mingle 动词 4.anonymous 形容词 ,这四个词顺序无要求,只是一定要用对形式!第二个要求便是故事只需7到8句话!
要求就只有2个,一个是一定要用到以下四个单词:1.oath 名词 2.decay 动词 3.mingle 动词 4.anonymous 形容词 ,这四个词顺序无要求,只是一定要用对形式!第二个要求便是故事只需7到8句话!

要求就只有2个,一个是一定要用到以下四个单词:1.oath 名词 2.decay 动词 3.mingle 动词 4.anonymous 形容词 ,这四个词顺序无要求,只是一定要用对形式!第二个要求便是故事只需7到8句话!
It's about a horror story.One day,a man received an anonymous letter,he got very strange about that.He read the letter,it's about a very very dangerous oath.The oath said that anyone who read this letter should mingle 100 people's blood to make a drink,and send the letter to anybody he knows,or he will die.The man did'nt believe that,and threw the letter away.Then a week later,his body was found in his room and it decaied.The situation was terrible!


Two weeks ago,i received an anonymous letter.it says:
Dear sister
yesterday morning,when i was outside ,i was very surprised .what i saw ,the mingle potatoes decayed after th...


Two weeks ago,i received an anonymous letter.it says:
Dear sister
yesterday morning,when i was outside ,i was very surprised .what i saw ,the mingle potatoes decayed after the frost,i can`t get money .i took an oath to look after the potatoes well ,if i do it ,maybe i can get money next year.
i was laughing when i read this letter,my borther is a interesting person!


Two weeks ago,i received an anonymous letter.it says:
Dear sister
yesterday morning,when i was outside ,i was very surprised .what i saw ,the mingle potatoes decayed after the frost,i can`t ...


Two weeks ago,i received an anonymous letter.it says:
Dear sister
yesterday morning,when i was outside ,i was very surprised .what i saw ,the mingle potatoes decayed after the frost,i can`t get money .i took an oath to look after the potatoes well ,if i do it ,maybe i can get money next year.
i was laughing when i read this letter,my borther is a interesting person!
It's about a horror story. One day, a man received an anonymous letter, he got very strange about that. He read the letter, it's about a very very dangerous oath. The oath said that anyone who read this letter should mingle 100 people's blood to make a drink, and send the letter to anybody he knows, or he will die. The man did'nt believe that, and threw the letter away. Then a week later, his body was found in his room and it decaied. The situation was terrible!


要求就只有2个,一个是一定要用到以下四个单词:1.oath 名词 2.decay 动词 3.mingle 动词 4.anonymous 形容词 ,这四个词顺序无要求,只是一定要用对形式!第二个要求便是故事只需7到8句话! 比如CH3-CH -CH2OH看了就只有3个啊.一个是CH3 一个是CHO 一个是CH2OH|CHO,定义不是手同一个碳上连有四个嘛! 金色的鱼钩 缩写200个字以下一定要记住是200个字以下,有段落.必须只有五行左右. 惊弓惊惊弓之鸟 对个下联最后四个字为一个成语.不要求多,一个下联就够了 求设计一个电路图,大一的,用到的元件就三极管,发光二极管,电容等,要求2个灯来回闪烁.顺便,如果能随便帮我设计个实用些而且组装方便的电路能加分. 基因工程质粒的要求有一个是:有一个至多个限制酶切割位点这句话为什么对?如果只有一个位点 那就只能断2个磷酸二酯键 怎么把目的基因配对上去呢?为什么说质粒只有一个切口? 帮我想一个女英文名,要四个字母组成的一定要四个字母组成的,最好是只有两个发音,要L或R开头的..好听一点的..不一定有解释,可以是自己想出来的音,只要两个音凑起来好听就行了..可以是罗 用look,do her homework造个句子句子的内容是一个女孩在作业,貌似很认真,一定要用上look,可能会用到that后者who 选择题:(以下各题都有四个选项,其中只有一个选项是正确的,请把正确的选项的代号填在括号内) 1.二次函 有24个四位数,每一个四位数都是用2,4,5,7四个数字各使用一次所组成.这些四位数中只有一个四位数是另一四位数的倍数,试问此四位数是下面哪一个?(要求要有详细的计算过程)A5724 B7245 C7254 M种球放入N个盒子(N>M),每种球都要用到,每个盒子都只有一个球!一共有多少种放法?N的M次方明显错了,因为题目说了是每种球都要用,这样的话就没有都用 球肯定是N个呀,一个盒子一个,N 用英语描述一个城市,要求用到以下单词中的至少3个construction crowded fascinating freeway huge inhabitants similarity unfortunate attractive busy dangerous dirty industrial lively modern noisy peaceful polluted poor smart vast weal 能否用1-2个英语单词表示能够胜任多种工作或是handle多项工作的意思不一定要意思一模一样,能大约概括个key word,表达这个意思就可以了~要求是个名词~而不是词组~ 80个球,只有四个球是8,要抽出一个8,只能抽四次,有多大的概率 在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一个选项是正确的.(每小题2分,共24分) 1、以下物体质量最1、以下物体质量最接近2.5×107mg的是 A.一头火象 B.一个小学生 C.一只兔子 D. 一只蚂蚁 2、 3个男生3个女生照相,要求每2个男生之间至多只有一个女生,求概率 数学概率题:一次高中数学期末考试,选择题共有12个,每个选择题给出了四个选项,在给出的四个选项中接上面:只有一个是符合题目要求的.平分标准规定:对于每个选择题,不选或多远或错选 平面内有四个点,四个点中,每三个点不在一条直线上点中每两点的距离只有2个不同的数值,求两种图形这四个点是在同一平面内的,而且求的图形要符合题目要求!