
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/02 10:04:32


Marry dropped out of school months ago.玛丽几个月前辍学了.We settled down in New York 2 weeks ago.两星期前我们在纽约定居下来.2.多少年,多少天以后,用介词“in”,如:几年后:in years,in a couple of years,5个月后:in 5 months,10天后:in 10 days.I'll let you know our final decision in a week.一个星期后,我会通知你我们的最后决定.We're moving to Guangzhou in 2 days.两天后,我们就要搬去广州了.3.在……时间以内:within,within 2 weeks,within one year,within 7 monthsThe quotation is subject to your confirmation by fax within one week.此报价以你以传真形式在一周内确认为有效.4.“before”,“after”这两个词怎么用呢?它们的后面可以接从句:“before” 在某事发生之前,“after”在某事发生之后.I was only a clerk before I came to Guangzhou.在我来广州之前,我只是个小文员.We went to a concert after we finished our work.我们下班后去听了音乐会.“before”,“after”这两个词后面还可以接名词:I would like to have a chat with you before meal.吃饭前我想和你谈一下.I'll meet you at the entrance after class.课后我们在大门口见.好了,关于时间的表达法,我们就先讲到这.我们会在第100课继续讲解时间的更多表达法.在您的时间里,都发生了些什么故事呢.