Who breaks the law will be punished为什么用WHO而不是WHOEVER说错了,应该是WHOEVER我想问的是为什么WHO错了

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Who breaks the law will be punished为什么用WHO而不是WHOEVER说错了,应该是WHOEVER我想问的是为什么WHO错了

Who breaks the law will be punished为什么用WHO而不是WHOEVER说错了,应该是WHOEVER我想问的是为什么WHO错了
Who breaks the law will be punished

Who breaks the law will be punished为什么用WHO而不是WHOEVER说错了,应该是WHOEVER我想问的是为什么WHO错了
名词(先行词) ← 连接词 + 句子
The book that I bought yesterday is very interesting.
The book that was bought yesterday is very interesting.
(1) 定语从句一定是修饰或说明"名词"的,上句中就是"the book"
(2) 定语从句中的"连接词"就是前面那个名词的"化身", 一般都紧跟在名词的后面,上句中连接词"that"代表的就是前面的"the book",即that = the book;
(3) 定语从句中的"连接词"必须在从句中充当一个句子成分(当主语、宾语或表语时称为关系代词;当地点、时间状语时称为关系副词),在上句中"that"当动词"bought"的宾语,也就是说,以下表达是错误的:
The book that I bought it is very interesting.
I have a brother who is an engineer.
我有一个当工程师的兄弟. 或
第一个句子称为限制性定语从句,说明"我至少有有两个兄弟,其中一个是工程师",以便与另一个兄弟(或许他是个医生)相区分.所以,限制性定语从句也称为修饰性定语从句,在先行词(brother)与关系代词 (who) 之间一般没有","号分开.
该句一般写为:I have a brother, who is an engineer.
Mt. Tai which is located in Shandong Province attracts thousands of tourists every year.
↗ 人 → who (宾格用whom)
↘ 物 → that ( = which)
注意:虽然在限制性定语从句中,关系代词that = which, 但是,当:
(1) 先行词是all, both, none, nothing, anything, everything, much, such等不定代词时;
(2) 先行词被形容词最高级修饰时;
(3) 先行词被序数词(如第一,第二等)修饰时;
(4) 先行词被the very, the only, any, no等词修饰时
也就是说,在限制性定语从句中,连接物的关系代词用"that" 总是对的.
↗人 → who (宾格用whom)
↘物 → which (不要用that)
1)The book ______ is now out of stock
A. which he bought it last week
B. which he bought last week
C. which he had bought last week
D. which it was bought last week
解题思路:如果你选择了A或D,说明你对"句子成分"的概念,或对关系代词在句子中可以做什么成分还不清楚,应该好好复习"什么叫定语从句?"一节;如果选C,说明你对时态概念仍不清楚,再复习"过去完成时"一节;正确答案为B,"which"在从句中做动词bought的宾语.这里能不能将"which"改成"that"呢?当然可以,而且现在更多的是用"that".实际使用中,该句子中的"which"或"that"可以省掉,即:The book he bought last week is now out of stock. (他上周买的那本书现在脱销.) ,即:当关系代词在从句中当宾语时,可以省掉.
2) He is the man ______ is capable of finishing this task.
A. he
B. whom
C. who
D. which
3)The only thing _____ can be done is to stop them from going there.
A. which
B. that
C. what
D. who
解题思路:记住:定语从句中永远不可能出现what做连接词, 记住这句话对理解"名词性从句"会大有帮助; 既然先行词为thing(事情), 就不能用who连接;同时出现"which"和"that",又没有","号,当然选B(the only thing只能用 that连接,不能用 which连接).下面一题的思路是一样的:
4)All ______ is a continuous supply of the basic necessities of life.
A. which is needed
B. that is needed
C. what is needed
D. is needed
正确答案是:B 注意:all that = what, 不可能出现all what
5) Some of the roads have been flooded(淹没), ______ our journey more difficult.
A. it makes
B. they make
C. which makes
D. which make
考试时,当出现类似形式的题目而确实又看不懂句子意思时,应倾向于选择which + 单数动词的那个选项.
6)They have made another wonderful discovery, ______ of great importance to science.
A. which I think is
B. I think which is
C. which I think it is
D. I think of which is
解题思路:英语中的连接词一般都是放在从句的最前面,据此,可以排除B、D选项;A、C的区分点是"it", 想一下本节的第一题,就能正确选择答案A了.此类题目中,I think应理解为"插入语",要熟悉这种形式,
He is the man ______ I suppose is capable of finishing this task.
where : 当先行名词在从句中当"地点状语"时,用关系副词where连接
The crime rate rises in cities where the unemployment rate increases. (失业率高的城市犯罪率也高.) 句中的where = in cities, 表示行为发生的地点.
这里的要点是能否区分是用that (which) 还是用 where, 即:是做"主语、宾表语",还是做"地点状语",例如:
I love the small town that we visited last week.
I love the small town where I lived during my childhood.
句中"town" 是动词"lived"的地点,即"童年时住过的小镇",故用where.
when : 当先行名词在从句中当"时间状语"时,用关系副词when连接, 例如:
July is the month when we have a lot of rain. (七月是多雨的月份.)
I think (that) the day will finally come when air pollution can be put under control. (我认为空气污染得以控制的一天最终会来到.)
放在主句后面作非限制定语从句时(前面一般加","号),"when"一般译为"此时","那时", 例如:
The meeting will be put off until next month, when we will have made all the preparations. (会议将推迟到下月,那时一切就准备就绪了.)
另一个关系副词是why,由于它固定与the reason搭配, 即: the reason why,不难理解,一般也不作为考试的重点.例如:
This is the reason why the electronic computer cannot entirely replace man. 这就是(为什么)电子计算机不能完全代替人的原因.
whose (= of which / whom):做先行词(不管是人还是物)的定语,汉语为"…的",不要考虑是否是限制性或非限制性定语从句, 例如:
Pay attention to that boy whose temperature is very high. (理论上也可以写成:Pay attention to that boy the temperature of whom is very high. 注意那个男孩,他的体温很高.(非限制性) / 注意那个体温很高的男孩.(限制性)
介词 + which (whom)
This is the house. He has lived in the house for over 30 years.
This is the house in which he has lived for over 30 years.
上述句子中,先行词在从句中充当介词宾语,形成"介词 + which / whom"的形式,考试时要求作出1)要不要介词;2)若要,使用什么介词的判断.由于英语中介词搭配多为习惯用法,没有多少规律可循,因此这是定语从句考试的一个难点.
There are occasions _____ which joking is not permissible.
→ Joking is not permissible _____ (certain) occasions.
常与occasion搭配的介词是什么?on, 即:
Joking is not permissible on (certain) occasions. (有的场合是不容许开玩笑的.)

There are occasions on which joking is not permissible.
This car, ____ which I paid a lot of money, is now out of date.
→ I paid a lot of money ______ this car.
Pay (money) for something 是一个固定的搭配,因此应填介词 "for"
当A、B、C、D中出现 " 介词 + which / whom" 选项时,而你又确实看不懂时,应倾向于选择" 介词 + which / whom"的形式,例如:
The two elements _____ water is made are the gases oxygen and hydrogen.
A. that
B. which
C. with which
D. of which
倾向选择C、D;正确答案D,"be made of "(由…组成):
The two elements are gases (oxygen and hydrogen).
Water is made of the two elements.
(1) 同位语从句只能用"that"连接
常见的同位语先行词有:fact(事实), possibility(可能), idea(想法), belief(相信), doubt(疑问), news(消息), order(命令), promise(承诺), evidence(证据), suggestion(建议)等,例如:
Is there any possibility that all the villagers can send their children to school?(有没有这种可能,所有村民都能送他们的孩子上学?)
There can be no doubt that he is a qualified doctor.(毫无疑问,他是个合格的医生.)
(2) "as" 也可以做关系代词用于连接定语从句,特别是在"such…as…", "the same as…" 以及"正如…"的结构中,例如:
I have never seen a thing as he described. (我从未见过他所描述的那种事.)
As was expected, the performance was a great success. (正如所料,演出获得了巨大成功.)
把该句理解为:The performance was a great success, which was expected,就比较容易理解as的这种用法.
↗ 人用who / whom
(1)先行词在从句中当主、宾、表语 →定语用whose
↘ 物用that (= which)/ 非限制用which
(2)先行词在从句中当 →原因状语(reason)用:why
↘ 时间状语用:when
(3)介词 + which / whom结构:瞻前顾后
1) 从句不缺成分用that
2) 从句缺少主语、宾语和表语,物用what, 人用who / whom / whoever / whomever
3) 其他情况,中文缺什么意思就补所需的带-wh的词(whether, where, when, how, why, who, whom, whose),
My hope is that she will soon be well again. (表语从句:我的希望是他能很快康复.)
Everybody hopes that she will soon be well again.(宾语从句:大家都希望他能很快康复.)
That she will soon be well again is our hope. (主语从句:他能很快康复是我们的希望.)
1) 名词性从句中的that 只是起连接作用,不充当任何成分,一定要与定语从句中的关系代词that相区别;
2) 除了主语从句居首的情况(如例3),是可以省略的,特别是宾语从句中.例3也可以写成:It is our hope that she will soon be well again.
第二句话:从句缺少主语、宾语和表语, 物用what,人用who / whom / whoever / whomever
这是名词性从句考试的重点, 特别是what, 这里的关键是否能辨认出句子的成分,
______ he needs is more time. (他需要的是更多的时间.)
Tell us _____ you saw and heard during your visit to that university.
同样,宾语从句中谓语动词saw和heard缺宾语,应填 what
This is not ______ I want. 同样,表语从句中动词缺宾语,应填what
______ some people are against is ______ other people are for.
这是一个主语从句 + 表语从句的结构,介词against和 for后面都没有宾语,无疑都应填what:一些人反对的就是其他人赞成的.
1) 关于what的疑问性和名词性:
I don't know what you don't know.
这个句子可以有两个译文:我不知道你不知道什么./ 你不知道的我也不知道.显然,第一个译文中what是疑问性的(即"什么?");第二个译文中what是名词性的,中文往往表达为"…的".
What has made Japan ______ it is today?
不要急着试图翻译这个句子,先考虑一下从句中缺了什么成分?缺表语,即: it is 的表语,那就填what, 即:What has made Japan what it is today? 是什么使日本成为今天这个样子?句中第一个what是疑问性的,第二个what是名词性的.
2) 关于whoever和whomever的用法:
上面讲到,what具有疑问性和名词性.同样,讲到人"谁"时, 也有疑问性和名词性之分.现代语法规定,疑问性 "谁?"用who / whom,名词性"谁 = 那个人"用whoever/ whomever. (whoever / whomever = the person who / whom), 例如:
谁迟到就开除谁.该句中的"谁"不是问"哪个人迟到了?",而是说"迟到的那个人",显然是名词性的,应译为:Whoever comes late will be fired.
3) 用who 还是whom?
We are talking about ______ will attend the meeting. (我们正在谈论谁去参加这个会议.)
在个句子中,尽管空格______的位置在介词about 后面,属介词宾语的一部分,但它在从句中做主语,因此还是应该填who 而不是填whom;此原则同样适用于whoever与 whomever之间的选择.
第三句话:其他情况,中文缺什么意思就补所需的带-wh的词(whether, where, when, how, why, who, whom, whose),例如:
I wonder whether he will come in such bad weather. (天气这么糟糕,不知他是否会来.)
名词性从句有两个两个重点:what 和whoever

whoever 也可以,甚至比who还好。

whoever 也可以的

who breaks the law will be punished为什么错 --------breaks the law should be punished .A.Those whoB.AnyoneC.WhoD.Anyone who No matter who breaks the law should be punished.有无语病? Any one who breaks the law should be punished.为什么用be 为什么who breaks the law will be punished错而who robbedthe bank is not clear对 ____________ the law should be punished.B.Whoever breaks C.No matter who breaks为什么选B不选C?如果要用no matter,应该怎么改? Who breaks the law will be punished.这句话有错吗象这样的句子省略先行词可以吗 下面这句话是主语从句还是定语从句?That who breaks the law will be punished. Who breaks the law will be punished为什么用WHO而不是WHOEVER说错了,应该是WHOEVER我想问的是为什么WHO错了 ———— breaks the law should be punished A those who B Anyone C no matter who D whoever那请问理由是什么 B和C错在哪里 ( )breaks the law will be fine or put in prisonA,no matter who B.whoever为什么答案选B,不选A呢,能解释的清楚一点吗,这两个总是分不清 英语翻译Anybody who breaks the rules will be punished. 1.We have made more progresses in English study than last term.2.Under the tree was an old armchair the ola man used to sit.3.Nobody who breaks the law can avoid to be punished.All people are equal before the law.4.Remember turning off the lights whe 几道高中英语改错题 求详解1.Please give this book to whomever needs it.为什么 whomever要改成whoever2.who breaks the law must be punished为什么要把 who 改成 whoever3.The reason why he failed in the exam was because he was ill. 关于下面三个英语句子的提问.1.Who is it that had the computer on the whole night?2.Only those (whom) he knew very well could be given a free ride.3.That who breaks the law will be punished.问题:1.这三句句子分别都是什么句? they make —— a rule whoever breaks the law will be punishedA.itB.whatC.thatD.this _________who breaks the law will be punished.A:these.B:Anyone.C:Those.为什么选C呀? _____ breaks the law will be fined or put in prisonA.No matter whoB.WhoeverC.Those whoD.Anyone