区分used to do sth./be used to doing/be used to do区分no longer/not…any longer/no more/not any more

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/02 02:11:08
区分used to do sth./be used to doing/be used to do区分no longer/not…any longer/no more/not any more

区分used to do sth./be used to doing/be used to do区分no longer/not…any longer/no more/not any more
区分used to do sth./be used to doing/be used to do
区分no longer/not…any longer/no more/not any more

区分used to do sth./be used to doing/be used to do区分no longer/not…any longer/no more/not any more
used to do的意思是过去常常做,现在一般不做了;...be used to doing 指的是习惯于做...,还得看时态,如果时态是过去式的就是现在没做了,如果时态是现在式的就是现在还有在做;而be used to do 是被用来做什么.no longer/not…any longer/no more/not any more 都是不再的意思,
no longer=not any longer
no more=not any more
no more 和 not any more 可以做宾语,no longer 不可以
No longer意思是“不再”,其确切含意为某状态在某个时刻之后不再继续下去了.所以,当你从学校毕业了,就可以说:I'm no longer a student.我不再是个学生了.
有两个短语和no longer同义,即not…any longer和not…any more,但他们侧重的方面不同.前者侧重时间,比如:
He no longer lives here.= He doesn't live here any longer.
You can drink no more.= You can't drink any more.
要注意的是:由于no longer本身就带有否定的含义,即表示“再也不”,所以不能在同一个句子中加入否定词,比如:
I'll come here no longer.我再也不来了.
Ok,今天的基础英语节目又接近尾声了,学完了这节课,希望大家掌握两个短语turn to(转向),leave behind(留下),会用一个句型no longer.

Ⅰ. used to do sth. / be used to doing / be used to do
used to do sth. 是“过去常常做某事”或过去持续存在的情况,其中used只有过去式一种形式,to后面动词用原形。如:
I used to go to work on foot, but now I usually ride a bicycle there.


Ⅰ. used to do sth. / be used to doing / be used to do
used to do sth. 是“过去常常做某事”或过去持续存在的情况,其中used只有过去式一种形式,to后面动词用原形。如:
I used to go to work on foot, but now I usually ride a bicycle there.
I used to live in Pudong when I was a boy.
be used to doing 是“习惯于做某事”,其中used相当于形容词,to是介词,后面用名词、代词或者-ing形式。如:
I am already used to living in the countryside.
He is used to the climate in southern China.
be used to do 是“被用来做某事”,它是 use sth. to do (用某物做某事)的被动结构。如:
The case is used to keep the old books. (比较:We use the case to keep the old books.)
Ⅱ. no longer / not ... any longer / no more / not any more
先说not … any more和not … any longer.
严格地说,not … any more与瞬间动词连用,而not … any longer与持续性动词连用。(结合词义也不难理much是指“次数多”,not … any more是指“不再一次次地发生”;long是指“时间长”,not … any longer是指“不再持续”。)如:
He didn’t live here any longer. We couldn’t see him any more.
(当然,如果不是出于应试的需要,你也不妨了解一下:在语言实际中,not … any more和not … any longer并不是严格区分的,彼此通用。)
再看no more和no longer.
no more常用于正式语体,而not … any more则比较口语化。同理,no longer也比not … any longer正式。
至于两者之间的比较,除了上述跟不同类型的动词连用外,它们在句子中的位置也有所不同。no more位于句尾,而no longer则位于动词之前。如:
He no longer lived here. We could see him no more.
最后,也许有必要补充一句:以上阐述都是基于not … any more或no more解释“不再”,像下列句子中not … any more (或no more) 显然是不能改为not … any longer (或no longer) 的:
I don’t want any more. (I want no more.)
A whale is no more a fish than a horse is.(鲸之非鱼正如马之非鱼。也即:鲸和马皆非鱼。)
