英语翻译From Scottish poet Robert Burns’ "To a Mouse." The modern translation goes,"The best-laid plans of mice and men often go awry."

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英语翻译From Scottish poet Robert Burns’

英语翻译From Scottish poet Robert Burns’ "To a Mouse." The modern translation goes,"The best-laid plans of mice and men often go awry."
From Scottish poet Robert Burns’ "To a Mouse." The modern translation goes,"The best-laid plans of mice and men often go awry."

英语翻译From Scottish poet Robert Burns’ "To a Mouse." The modern translation goes,"The best-laid plans of mice and men often go awry."
这是原句:The best laid schemes o' mice an' men
Gang aft agley,
苏格兰诗人.1759年1月25日生于艾尔郡阿洛韦镇一个农民家庭,从小在田里劳动,辛勤20年,而家庭经济始终困难.他自幼爱好诗歌,1783年开始写诗.1786年出版了《主要用苏格兰方言写的诗集》,原想以诗集的收入作为旅费移居西印度群岛,不料这部新作以其纯朴的农村题材和清新的风格得到广泛的好评,作者被邀去爱丁堡,成为名公贵妇的座上客.但他保持农民本色,在苏格兰西北部作短期游历之后仍回故乡务农,后为税局职员.他除继续创作之外,又替两个丛刊收集并整理民歌,使许多即将失传的民歌(总数大约 300首)得以保存.1796年 7月21日于贫病交加中死去.


英语翻译3个 好评1. she and Dave Lewis were saved from danger in the mountains.2. Scottish Highlands3. Music Now Festival 英语翻译From Scottish poet Robert Burns’ To a Mouse. The modern translation goes,The best-laid plans of mice and men often go awry. 英语翻译Kutcher posted a link to the vidoe clip.The Scottish talent made her live American debut via satellite connection on CBS's The Earlya Show,doing a interview and singing live from her room. Scottish是什么意思 scottish dancing scottish weather scottish是什么意思 Scottish是什么意思 scottish fine 英语翻译A Scottish Presbyterian Church agree as well with a monarch as God with the devil. 英语翻译After checking the PO which Edric provided before,I noted the PO# were 8107011415 and 1450140184 which all different from the captioned submission PO# 8107011424,thus we are afraid we could not refer the PO which provided before.However,p po po 英语翻译Prices in effect shall apply to all PO’s at the time of receipt by Avaya/SP for periods indicated including without limitation shipment of Materials for open PO’s and for Materials when pulled from consignment inventory. scottish什么意思 英语翻译5.The Institute for System Level Integration is used as an example to illustrate A) the practical orientation of Scottish higher education.B) the tradition of Scottish higher education.C) Smith's application of Hume's philosophical ideas 英语翻译From; Instead在此句中的词性及含义?The Company withdrew from media selling the Times,the Sunday Times and Scottish Television and instead moved into publishing.