英文造句,用以下的每个句型造两个句子,1.It is+一段时间+since...从.起多长时间了 比较:before:It will / was (not)+ 一段时间+before...在某个动作发生之前有时间.2.be to blame(for)...(对)...负责

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/02 02:39:15
英文造句,用以下的每个句型造两个句子,1.It is+一段时间+since...从.起多长时间了 比较:before:It will / was (not)+ 一段时间+before...在某个动作发生之前有时间.2.be to blame(for)...(对)...负责

英文造句,用以下的每个句型造两个句子,1.It is+一段时间+since...从.起多长时间了 比较:before:It will / was (not)+ 一段时间+before...在某个动作发生之前有时间.2.be to blame(for)...(对)...负责
1.It is+一段时间+since...从.起多长时间了
比较:before:It will / was (not)+ 一段时间+before...在某个动作发生之前有时间.
2.be to blame(for)...(对)...负责 (宁愿做某事也不愿做另外一件事﹙下同﹚)
3.prefer to do (rather)than do
prefer doing to doing /prefer sth.to sth.
would rather do than do
would rather+从句﹛①用过去时(与现在事实相反)②用过去完成时(与过去事实相反﹙表愿望﹚)
4.①have /has ②there is+difficult/trouble +①(in) doing/②with sth.做某事有困难
5.argue with sb.about /over sth.为某事与某人争吵
6.imagine sb.doing 想象某人张在做某事
imagine sb.to be...想象某人是...
7.so +助动词/情态动词+主语(另外也如此)
so +主语+助动词/情态动词.(确实如此)
主语+do /does did +so 照此做了
8.Nor/Neither +助动词/情态动词+主语 ..也不...
with +名词/代词+①介词短语(prep.)②形容词(adj.)③副词(adv.)④现在分词(Ving)⑤过去分词(V done)⑥不定式(to)(未做某事)
10.祈使句+and +祈使句 eg:come here and you can see him .=
动词原形+and/or +陈述句 eg:Hurry or you will be late .
11.consider doing 考虑做某事
consider sb./sth.①to be adj./n.②as +n.认为某人是...
12.consider sb.to ①be doing(正在做) ②have done(做了)③do(做,不强调任何)
13.on the one hand,on (the)other hand..=for one thing ...for another..在一方面...在另一方面
14.be particular about/over.对...挑剔
15.owe ..to 把...归功于...eg:owe sb.money =owe money to sb.欠...的
owing to 由于...(介词短语,不能跟句子)
16.疑问句+ do you think/believe/guass/suppose(know不是插入语)等插入语+出去疑问词的宾语从句
17.introduce sth./sb.to sb,=present sth./sb.to sb.向某人介绍...
explain sth.to sb.向...
18.think highly/much/a lot /a great deal +of sb./stn.对...评价很高
think little /not much/poorly of 对...评价不高
19.believe it or not .信不信由你
20.to be honest =hostly speaking 老实说 make things worse 糟糕的是.(做插入语)
21.it‘s said /reported/thought/suppose/expected/considered/hoped+that=主语+ be +said/.(上述词语)..+① to do②to be doing③to have done 据说/报道/认为/期望.
22.have a good /bad effect on=have good /bad effects on对...有好/坏的影响
23.was /were doing ...when正在做...突然...
was /were about to do ...when...=was/were on the point of doing when...正打算做...这时...
had (just) done ...when..刚做了..这时...
24.It's /that's when/where /why/because.这是...的时间/...的地方/...的原因/因为.
25.join sb.和某人一起
join sb.in sth./doing..和某人一起做...
join in sth./doing 参加...的活动
26.be hurt /injured/wounded/cut受伤 the injured/wounded伤员
the injuey/wound 伤(口)
A is+倍数+①比较级than B②as +原级+asB③the size/height/weight/number/amount/...ofB
28.devote oneself/time/energy/...to sth./doing致力于.../把..用在...上
be doveted to(表状态)致力

英文造句,用以下的每个句型造两个句子,1.It is+一段时间+since...从.起多长时间了 比较:before:It will / was (not)+ 一段时间+before...在某个动作发生之前有时间.2.be to blame(for)...(对)...负责
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how long have you been skating?
i have skating since i was seven years old.

英文造句,用以下的每个句型造两个句子,1.It is+一段时间+since...从.起多长时间了 比较:before:It will / was (not)+ 一段时间+before...在某个动作发生之前有时间.2.be to blame(for)...(对)...负责 初二英语造句用以下单词造句,每个单词各造两个句子1 take off2 get out3 land4 shout5 shop句子不要太长,注意是每个单词造两个句子 用以下两个句型造句(英语)..⒈it seems that ⒉主动表被动 用以下词语造句,每个词语一个句子.本色当行 离合悲欢 叱咤风云 浑身解数 高视阔步 用以下句子造句 1.人生自古谁无死,留取丹心照汗青. 用以下词造句大概的造句 英语造句,用以下词造句、用以下短语造句、、、、at once ,at a loss,at last,at present,at home、、谢了、造简单点的句子、把汉语意思写出来、 用以下每个成语各造一个句子:聚精会神 冥思苦想 豁然开朗 熟能生巧 滚瓜烂熟 如饥似渴 畅所欲言迎刃而解 用以下两个词造句子사 랑 합 니 다 和축 구 造的句子越多越好,不要有语法错误~要给出中文翻译,本人是菜鸟,不给出翻译的话,我看不懂.句中를 起到什么作用? 用以下的的成语造句:精打细算,精疲力尽,精忠报国,精神抖擞,精疲力竭,精卫填海,精神恍惚,精益求精选两个 用以下句型和单词造句用 how much .how many.和there be.完成句子 1.noise2.buses3.traffic4.banks5.crime 1、convey certain emotions 2、get infected with 用以上1、convey certain emotions2、get infected with用以上两个句型各造一个句子,并翻译.谢谢了 英语单词造句问题用以下单词 每个单词个造一个句子place,be late for,celebrate,August,be born,just now,ago,special,candle,surprise,do some cleaning, 用以下词组造句,每个词组造一个句子a piece of cake,pick up sb,although,go with,in silence,in time,as though,make sure,put aside 请用以下短语造句! 英语翻译哪位大神能给我用以下几个短语分别造句子,并把造的句子翻译,1、caure sb of illness2、impress sb with sth3、remind sb of sth What adj+n(不可数名词/可数名词复数)+主+谓 用上面的句型结构每个造两个句子 谁会用以下词语造句?用 “千里迢迢 风餐露宿 日夜兼程 风尘仆仆 毫无保留 远近闻名 不紧不慢 佩服 传授”和“纳闷” 造句每个词语造一个句