关于decision 我等超久也没拿到申报学校的decision letter ,写信问,他的回信是“Your decision letter was sent out around April 1st by mail.It should arrive soon,if it has not already arrived.If you do not receive the letter by next

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/28 15:11:19
关于decision 我等超久也没拿到申报学校的decision letter ,写信问,他的回信是“Your decision letter was sent out around April 1st by mail.It should arrive soon,if it has not already arrived.If you do not receive the letter by next

关于decision 我等超久也没拿到申报学校的decision letter ,写信问,他的回信是“Your decision letter was sent out around April 1st by mail.It should arrive soon,if it has not already arrived.If you do not receive the letter by next
我等超久也没拿到申报学校的decision letter ,写信问,他的回信是“Your decision letter was sent out around April 1st by mail.It should arrive soon,if it has not already arrived.If you do not receive the letter by next week,please give us a call.“

关于decision 我等超久也没拿到申报学校的decision letter ,写信问,他的回信是“Your decision letter was sent out around April 1st by mail.It should arrive soon,if it has not already arrived.If you do not receive the letter by next

关于decision 我等超久也没拿到申报学校的decision letter ,写信问,他的回信是“Your decision letter was sent out around April 1st by mail.It should arrive soon,if it has not already arrived.If you do not receive the letter by next decision 关于音频的采样率等的计算.我现在能拿到三个数据:BitsPerSample;// 获取用于存储某种音频格式的单个采样的音频信息的位数.Channels;// 获取这种音频格式所提供的声道数.SamplesPerSecond// 这种音 我考了526分 六月份想报六级 是否必须要等四级成绩单拿到才可以报名?四级成绩单什么时候可以拿到? 谁能给我一篇关于班级没有拿到流动红旗的作文要五百字! 谁能给我一篇关于班级没有拿到流动红旗的作文要五百字! 我女朋友发我的短信Eternity is not a distance but a decision www.hao882.com.希望大家翻译下 我等着回 我决定这个暑假出国 翻译(decision) decision什么意思,我英语不好 关于UCAS 如果拿到ALEVEL的成绩还用通过UCAS吗?请热心人给我以帮助 谢谢 中学作文:当我拿到语文考卷时(500字以上)急一定要关于语文的 关于变青蛙.为什么我拿到的是召唤青蛙而不是变青蛙 正确再给分 我最近老遇带跟5这个数字有关的事?比如我打牌老拿到5.等等等我正好就是狮子座的-_-// 中译英,很短,我已经与xxx联系了,正在等他们的回复.我拿到表格后一定会立刻告知您. 关于等我长大了的作文 关于《新学期,新气象》我等着急用 关于《新学期,新气象》我等着急用. 救命,我试卷刚刚才拿到!