请帮我分析几个英语虚拟语气句子1 if he ___ to the teacher attentively,he ___ the answer to the problem now ( had listened,would know) if引导得虚拟条件句,应是if 从句的谓语形式用过去完成时即had+过去分词,主

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/05 21:02:58
请帮我分析几个英语虚拟语气句子1 if he ___ to the teacher attentively,he ___ the answer to the problem now ( had listened,would know) if引导得虚拟条件句,应是if 从句的谓语形式用过去完成时即had+过去分词,主

请帮我分析几个英语虚拟语气句子1 if he ___ to the teacher attentively,he ___ the answer to the problem now ( had listened,would know) if引导得虚拟条件句,应是if 从句的谓语形式用过去完成时即had+过去分词,主
1 if he ___ to the teacher attentively,he ___ the answer to the problem now ( had listened,would know) if引导得虚拟条件句,应是if 从句的谓语形式用过去完成时即had+过去分词,主句用would / should / could / might + have +过去分词嘛
2 It ___ very nice if only it were possible ( would be)if only引导虚拟条件句,从句谓语什么时用过去式什么时用过去完成式,例外它前面怎么用would
3 Let’s say you could go there again,how ___ feel?(would you )它怎么虚拟句 有暗示嘛
4 I can’t stand him.He always talks as though he ___ everything(had known) as though 引导虚拟句根据主句时态,从句谓语时态相应退后一位,应用knew嘛
5 James wishes he ___ the football game instead of the film (had seen) wish引导虚拟句根据主句时态,从句谓语时态相应退后一位 ,应用saw

请帮我分析几个英语虚拟语气句子1 if he ___ to the teacher attentively,he ___ the answer to the problem now ( had listened,would know) if引导得虚拟条件句,应是if 从句的谓语形式用过去完成时即had+过去分词,主
1. 答案正确,楼主理解有误.
此题从句就是针对过去动作的虚拟,所以用过去完成时即“had+过去分词”,但是主句缺少对现在动作进行虚拟,所以用“would / should / could / might + 动词原形”即可.
2. if only引导虚拟条件句,如果针对过去虚拟,从句就用过去完成时;如果针对现在虚拟,则用一般过去时.而主句同样是对现在进行虚拟,所以也用“would / should / could / might + 动词原形”即可.
It would be very nice if only it were possible.
3. Let's say和you could go there都有虚拟的暗示.
“Let's say”直译为“让我们说”,其实就是“让我们假设”之意,所以后面用could而不用can,而最后面也用“would you feel”了.
最好的理解是,把Let's say换成if就可以了,即原句可以换写成:
If you could go there again, how would you feel?
4. as if/though引导的方式状语从句的虚拟语气,跟主句的时态并无关系,而是把主句动作和从句动作发生的时间进行对比.
该题know everything是发生在talk之前,所以从句直接用过去完成时.
再如:He always talks as though I were his child.(同时发生)
He always talks as though he would never be able to talk in the future.(从句动作发生在主句动作之后)
5. wish引导的宾语从句的虚拟语气和主句时态也没有关系,而是直接看从句动作发生的时间,如果是过去发生,则用过去完成时;从句动作发生在现在,则用一般过去时;从句动作发生在将来,则用过去将来时.

请帮我分析几个英语虚拟语气句子1 if he ___ to the teacher attentively,he ___ the answer to the problem now ( had listened,would know) if引导得虚拟条件句,应是if 从句的谓语形式用过去完成时即had+过去分词,主 请帮我分析一个if引导的虚拟语气句子:If you had come to my birthday party,you would have seen Yao.我觉得此句为过去时的虚拟语气,不懂为什么在 had 后面接的是“come”而不是“came”,究竟应该是哪个?还 真实条件语句和虚拟语气--高手给分析分析自己编了几个句子请高手看看语法对不?例句:真实语气:We will maintain the project if the project have finished.We will finish the project if we work hard.虚拟现在:If 这句话是虚拟语气吗Our teachers believe that if we did that,we would concentrate more on our clothes than our studies.“if we did that”,有人说之所以用did,是因为这句话是虚拟语气,请帮我分析下if we did that,we would... 关于句子结构和虚拟语气的问题The atomic structure is,___________ ,a miniature solar sysstem.a.as it were b.as if they were c.as if it were .d as if are请问:1请分析一下句子结构.2.这句话是不是虚拟语气? 英语翻译So even if the birthrate should rise somewhat,little expansion is possible for elementary and secondary school enrollments.请帮忙翻译这段话,并分析句子结构.因为我看着像有虚拟语气,但我本身一直搞不明白虚 请帮忙看以下句子是什么时态,有没有虚拟语气?帮我分析一下句子结构,时态,We’d have had to come home before the term was out anyway.” 用wish的虚拟语气造句请帮我用wish的虚拟语气造10句话.please in English 请分析两个英语虚拟语气句子~1.He looks as if he ________(cry).(我有此题答案,有3种答法:had cried ,would cry ,will cry)分别为什么啊?2.她竟然放弃了她的计划.It is strange that she________(give up) her plan.此题 请分析两个英语虚拟语气句子~1.He looks as if he ________(cry).(我有此题答案,有3种答法:had cried ,would cry ,will cry)分别为什么啊?2.她竟然放弃了她的计划.It is strange that she________(give up) her plan.此题 请帮我分析这几个句子“if you are not moving ahead,you are falling behind” 请帮忙写几个英语句子非限制性定语从句3个限制性定于从句3个虚拟语气的句子3个 if的虚拟语气 If she were to be here next Monday,I would tell her about the matter. 是虚拟语气与将来想法这句句子如果去掉next Monday,是不是就是虚拟语气的“于现在相反”.觉得虚拟语气与将来想法的有点搞额,请高手帮 英语句子分析:It seemed strange that the man who had developed communism should have lived这个句子那个部分是虚拟语气?考察的语法是什么?帮我详细解释这个句子,我看不懂哪个是 语气? 是 It seemed stranged t 这句话是不是虚拟语气?I'd appreciate it if it could be arranged.如果能安排好,我会很感激.整个句子是虚拟语气吗?简单分析下.如果是虚拟 条件从句应该是 if+主语+过去时+其他 那这里后面的从句 用 1、我多么希望自己是一只小鸟,能够在天空自由飞翔(还有虚拟语气) 2、我要陪伴母亲在车站去(accompany)3、据宣布星期天要举行庆祝会(announce)请帮我翻译这三个句子 英语虚拟语气的句子Wouldn't it be great if.接后面的句子.意思不定.只要语法正确