
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/28 13:36:20


A asked his friends out,only in exception of B.B heard of this news from other friends and was outraged.

I have been tutering this student since his first year. He/She has a good ability to study by himself. He/She has learnt Japanese by himself during the first year. He/She only took one year to pass JL...


I have been tutering this student since his first year. He/She has a good ability to study by himself. He/She has learnt Japanese by himself during the first year. He/She only took one year to pass JLPT N2, and in second year, only used half a year to pass JLPT N1 at 166 points. During his class, He/She has shown a great desire of studying, and received scholarship in second year.
He/She has a good adaptive capacity, can adapt to the enviornment very soon and be friendly with other classmates. He/She is very energetic, loves sports, and has the spirit of never adimiting defeat.
According to the reason above, I recommand this student as exchange student to your university.


英语翻译完整为:大意是A叫上朋友出门了却没有叫上B,B从其他人口中得知这个消息,很生气 英语翻译如题 “chanhthaleuxay” 这是我一个泰国朋友的姓,想要知道怎么发音 以及大意 英语翻译简约为好,大意不差即可! 在家靠父母,出门靠朋友是个格言吗? 这一首英文歌叫什么名词歌词大意是这样的,show me a mimi,a b个lonely 英语翻译:都说青春是一场大雨,感冒了却盼望再淋一回 “了却君王天下事”了却的是什么事? 每次跟朋友一起出门.看见对面一个MM.朋友就在那大叫:人间尤物啊.”我问他尤物是啥意思?他说他也不知道,只是听别人那么叫. 每次跟朋友一起出门.看见对面一个MM.朋友就在那大叫:人间尤物啊.”我问他尤物是啥意思?他说他也不知道,只是听别人那么叫. 什么叫段落大意 英语翻译如题 “Saphatcharawani” 这是我一个泰国朋友的姓名,想要知道怎么发音 以及大意可以知道泰文是怎么写的吗? 英语翻译出门旅游 求意大利语小作文一篇中文大意是 luca昨天早上身体不舒服于是他来医生打电话、医生建议他吃药、他妈给他做中午饭、下午他感觉身体舒服了、于是他换衣服出门、为了和他的朋友一起去 英语翻译不是大意 大意我已经懂了 这是我的布布雷的负面新闻... 歌词大意英语怎么说歌词大意 translate 如题我最近经常听英文歌曲并把试者把歌词翻译出来比如 God is a girl歌词大意 上帝是女孩 (也可以理解为伟大的女孩) a todo color 一首西语歌,歌词大意完整一点的 英语翻译(有些东西你把握住了是一辈子的幸福,可失去了却是永远的遗憾!) 英语翻译我要的是中文的歌词大意,汗...