晕晕晕!请问It appears (to me) that 到底是接主语从句还是表语从句?例句:It appears (to me) that she was wrong.我在网上看的资料有的说他是主语从句符合:It +不及物动词+从句 .但是有的资料又说

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/05 06:31:14
晕晕晕!请问It appears (to me) that 到底是接主语从句还是表语从句?例句:It appears (to me) that she was wrong.我在网上看的资料有的说他是主语从句符合:It +不及物动词+从句 .但是有的资料又说

晕晕晕!请问It appears (to me) that 到底是接主语从句还是表语从句?例句:It appears (to me) that she was wrong.我在网上看的资料有的说他是主语从句符合:It +不及物动词+从句 .但是有的资料又说
晕晕晕!请问It appears (to me) that 到底是接主语从句还是表语从句?
例句:It appears (to me) that she was wrong.我在网上看的资料有的说他是主语从句符合:It +不及物动词+从句 .但是有的资料又说:能接表语从句的联系动词除be外,还有look(看起来),appear,remain,seem等.还举了上述例子.那我就不明白了这个到底是属于哪个从句呢?而且网上查了,下很多资料都书法不一,有的说是属于从句,有的说是表语从句?实在晕,

晕晕晕!请问It appears (to me) that 到底是接主语从句还是表语从句?例句:It appears (to me) that she was wrong.我在网上看的资料有的说他是主语从句符合:It +不及物动词+从句 .但是有的资料又说
主语从句和表语从句这两个确实很难分清,因为他们的连接动词是一样的,都是be或者系动词.你上面说表语从句的连接动词除了be还有系动词,其实主语从句的连接词除了be也可以是系动词的.比如这句:When he was killed remained unknown. 这个句子是主语从句但连接词就是系动词.所以区分主语从句还是表语从句并不是看连接动词什么动词,而是看从句在复合句中所担当的成分.
你这个句子就是典型的表语从句:It(主语) appears(系动词) that she was wrong(从句担当表语成分),这个是典型的主系表结构.
但如果我变一下你这个例句.:It appears certain that she was wrong.我在连接动词后加了个certain,这个就是主语从句了.这个句子的真正语序是:That she was wrong appears certain.看到了吧,从句在复合句中担当的成分是主语而不是表语.
我知道你为什么会搞混了,.It appears that she was wrong.这个句子是个系表结构,从句在复合句中担任表语成分,真正的主语就是it.而It appears certain that she was wrong.这个句子也是个主系表结构,但真正的主语不是it而是后面的从句.所以,我可以告诉你我的小诀窍,以后分不清的时候,你就看连接动词后面有没有东西,如果没有就是表语从句,如果有东西一般就是主语从句,比如我例句中用的certain.另外我所指的这个“东西”一般都是形容词.但如果不是形容词而是其他成分就不一定是主语从句了,比如是名词或者不定式、介词短语等等,所以还必须具体句子具体分析.举例:It appears the truth that she was wrong. 乍一看,这个句子很像主系表结构,再仔细一看,appear还有面有个东西“truth”然后才出现的从句,那这个句子就是主语从句吗?我们把它还原到真正的语序为The truth that she was wrong appears certain.这个句子里主语是truth,从句that she was wrong是主语truth的同位语,appear系动词,certain作表语.所以这个句子并不是主语从句,而是一个主系表结构,而且主语还嵌套一个同位语从句.

it appears to be functional in human dentric cells请问在科技文献中,it appears to be functional 该怎么翻译? 晕晕晕!请问It appears (to me) that 到底是接主语从句还是表语从句?例句:It appears (to me) that she was wrong.我在网上看的资料有的说他是主语从句符合:It +不及物动词+从句 .但是有的资料又说 it appears/seems to me that it never occurs to me thatit appears/seems to me thatit never occurs to me that It appears as though意思? 请问:有些汽车车窗上写着“object in mirror is closer than it appears”什么意思? It probably has somehting to do with the fact that nicotine is appetite suppressant and appears to up your metabolic rate.请问这里的词可以理解为:appear to:似乎?up 增长?是分开的吗? It appears to be a true story 怎么翻译成汉语呢? 英语翻译All the Domains are in your Account.It appears to be fine. The band appears to be accommondating it's custmoers more than it used to .帮我翻译一下, it appears that :black0ps did not quit properly the last time it ran.do you want to run the game .. The secret of a long and happy marriage appears to be not to expect too much from it.翻译 it appears that he was not paying attention to my warning这里为什么不可以用it is apparently that .it appears that.这句怎么变形成两个分句 英语翻译in ENglish句型:It appears 用matlab中求解偏微分方程用到sol=pdepe(m,@pdefun,@pdeic,@pdebc,x,t);运行显示错误This DAE appears to This DAE appears to be of index greater than 1,请问这是什么原因? 英语翻译1,MY friend didn't appear until six o'clock.2,He appears quite old.3,It appears(to be)a true story.4,the rice is growing fine 这句句子如何翻译,尤其in the way it appears to many it has? 如何理解?So why would the White House want to wind down rhetoric, in the way it appears to many it has? It could be around the difficult question about what to do with Russia if _______ I have made no arrangements to deal with such cases.A.It appear B.That appear that C.They appear D.It appears that It _____ that there is a mistake in his article选择题It _____ that there is a mistake in his articleA.appears to beB.appearsC.appearedDis appeared不懂