化简:a/a-1 ÷(1+a/1)=___.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/04 06:37:39
化简:a/a-1 ÷(1+a/1)=___.

化简:a/a-1 ÷(1+a/1)=___.
化简:a/a-1 ÷(1+a/1)=___.

化简:a/a-1 ÷(1+a/1)=___.

1/a²+a²=(1/a+a)²-__. 已知 log (a) ab=1/p ,则 log (ab) a/b=__ __. 如果1/A>0,1/B0,则A的绝对值/A=__,若A 完形填空Dear Lily,Gold Coast(海岸) is really great!We __(1)__ a good time now.I __(2)__ this letter __(3)__ you at the swimming club on the beach(沙滩).There are __(4)__ of people on the Gold Coast now.__(5)__ of them __(6)__ volleyball a 如果两最简二次根式根号1+a与根号4a-2是同类根式,那么a=__?__ 1.变为被动语态(1)He gave me a book.I __ __ a book.The book __ __ to me.(2)Someone heard Lucy play the flute just now.Lucy was __ __ __ the flute just now.(3)They saw her get on a bus.She was __ __ __on a bus.2.词形转换(1)Whe 若空间向量a=(a,3a+2,-3),b=(1,2,a+b),a//b,则a-b=__ 3阶方阵A的特征值是(1,1,2)则︱A︱=__,A的逆的特征值=__,A的伴随矩阵的特征值=__ fill in the blanks with an or a.1 __ newspaper2 __ egg3 __ island4 __ architect5 __ office6 __ hour7 __ airport8 __ garden9 __ paneake10 __ magazine 1A=__mA=__μA 若a^2+b^2=1,则__ 丨a-1丨+丨b-3丨=0,则a=__,b=__ 已知实数a在数轴上的位置如图所示,化简|1-a|+|a-1|__|_____|___·__|_____》 -1  0  a 1 A-A=0 A+A=?A÷A=1 A×A=?(A+A)+(A-A)+(AxA+A÷A)=100 A=? f(x)=ax^2+bx+3a+b是偶函数,且其定义域为[a-1,2a],则a=__,b=__ 若(a-1)x的a次方(x的a次方)的绝对值 (a的绝对值)+3=-6是关于x的一元一次方程,则a=__,x=__ thinks a lot=thinks __ __ 规定a*b=a+aa+aaa+…+aaa…a(b-1)个a,那么8*5=__