
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/02 08:58:41


1-5 BBACA 6-10 BCBAC 11-15 CACBC 16-20 BACAB
  21-25 BBDCD 26-30 ACBBD 31-35 CCDBA
  36-40 BCDCA 41-45 BDCAB 46-50 ABDCD 51-55 ACABD
  56-60 CDDAA 61-65 DCCBB 66-70 AADBD
  71. grown 72. changed / turned / made 73. invented 74. produced 75. encouragement
  76. removed 77. diesel 78. less 79. cheaper 80. widely
  How to Be Mentally Healthy
  Many of us students now have some mental problems, which worry us much and even have bad effects on both our studies and lives. Some students are so worried about exams and academic achievements that they can’t fall asleep at night. As a result, they feel sleepy in the day time and can’t concentrate in class. Others can’t get along well with their parents or with their classmates. They always feel stressed and easily get angry.
  As a matter of fact, there’re many ways for us to deal with our mental problems. First of all, we can turn to our teachers for help, including our teacher of psychology. Secondly, communication is of vital importance. When we have a talk or discussion about our problems with our friends or classmates, we can feel greatly relieved. Lastly but not least, we need to develop a positive attitude towards our studies and our life. Wearing a smile is not only a sign of friendliness but also a cure for bad feelings. I believe these methods will help us live and study happily.