
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/28 17:44:58


特征:头部为三角形,与身子连为一体;大眼睛长在头部的两侧 ;胸部长着三对足和两对翅膀;腹部有黑黄相间的圆环.蜜蜂也称为家蜂.
身长:工蜂身长 14-15毫米;蜂王 18-20毫米;雄蜂 15毫米.
体重:工蜂 82毫克;蜂王 250-300毫克
蜜蜂有四个种类分布在全球各地,它们各有不同的栖息习惯.其中3种在亚洲栖息,它们悬空筑巢.印度巨蜂喜欢高山活动,它们可以在海拔2000米的高度栖息,这种蜂主要分布在东南亚和菲律宾一带.花蜂栖息地不超过500米,其分布区域与印度巨蜂相同.印度蜂分布在亚洲的广大区域,其中包括中国以及西伯利亚的一部分地区.head, chest of the three pairs of feet long and two pairs of wings; yellow-and black abdomen with the ring. Also known as bee-bee.
Length: 14-15 mm in length worker bees, queen bee 18-20 mm; Drone 15 mm.
Weight: 82 mg of worker bees, queen bee 250-300 mg
Place of residence: all of the local nectar source
Food: pollen and nectar
Social structure: the lives of thousands of members of groups
Sexual maturity: queen six days after birth; Drone of 5-15 days after birth
Life: the worker bees in summer average of 38 days, the worker bees in winter for six months; queen bee for four or five years; Xiongfeng for 22 days.
The natural environment and ecology
There are four types of bees around the world, they have different habits of the habitat. These three kinds of habitats in Asia, they left vacant nest. India Jufeng like mountains, they can at an altitude of 2,000 meters height habitats, such bees are mainly distributed in the vicinity of Southeast Asia and the Philippines. Bee habitat does not spend more than 500 meters, the distribution of regional Jufeng the same with India. India Bee distribution of the vast region in Asia, including China and Siberia, some of the regions
Ant to most people familiar with the common insects, many types. Its odd smell very good, and often brought home environment many troubles. Ant is a community of insects, after all there are ants nest, ants and Gong Yi-hsiung of the points, carry out their duties. Ant the diet is very complex and they play in the animal industry in the decomposition of ecology on the important role.
Wonderful ant community
Ant is that we are most familiar with a community of insects, small as ants in more than 100 million years ago, has been living on Earth, and for the same age of dinosaurs. With the changes in the Earth's environment, the body has long been a huge dinosaur extinction, and the body of a small ant on Earth are still active. They rely on the strength of groups access to food, growth, development and produce offspring, they have successfully adapted to the Earth various adverse environment, creating a prosperous heyday of the ant kingdom, the world's ants are a total of 260, 16,000 kinds, their number in More than 1 million kinds of terrestrial animals in the premier.
Huwena: brown body, individual and large, generally about seven centimeters long, some up to 10 cm long, produced in China's Guangxi, Yunnan and Vietnam, Myanmar and other countries.
Chinese Lycosidae: general health of black, white and yellow Fine-wool, the first chest, back Sepia, a central vertical yellow brown spots. Produced in Shaanxi, Shandong, Henan and other provinces.
Rod Silk spider spider: the spider in three to five centimeters long, dark brown back of the first chest, limb sequestration black, yellow contravention of limbs, each breeding female spider, David spider 800 ~ 900. Every 400 to 500 spiders can yield 1 g drug. The spider produced in the South China district.
White spider of Cancer: The spider-body short and flat, extending to run rampant around Buzu, larger size, an indoor common spider one of every 800 to 1,000 spider may yield 1 g drug. The spiders are mainly located in Shaanxi, Shandong, Sichuan, Jiangxi, Guizhou, Yunnan provinces and autonomous regions.
Spider's living habits:
Artificial breeding is guaranteed as long as the spider adequate food, water, cover three basic conditions can be successful.
Spider-dark and humid air ventilation of cave dwellers, suitable temperature for 10 ℃ ~ 35 ℃, humidity 50% to 80% of the environment, an adult spider mating, spawning life-long, 3 to June for the spawning period, the peak period every two Three years can be produced, at an average of 100-300 eggs, the production of 15, the egg survival rate of 95 percent, life expectancy 30.
The spider species of food sources:
Spider-feeding miscellaneous, locusts, crickets, butterflies, flies, spiders Tenebrio Molitor, and other insects is the best feed, if Spider-depth development of aquaculture, the scale of farming, integrated processing. Gao Ge small insects to the best farms, to support me cage flies or Tenebrio Molitor, can meet the spiders feed supply.
Spider facilities and construction:

动物英文介绍要蚂蚁,蜘蛛,蜜蜂三种动物的英文简介,要求150到200字之间! 写出赞美下列动物的名句蝴蝶:蜘蛛:蚂蚁:蜜蜂: 蜘蛛、蜗牛、蚂蚁、蜜蜂、七星瓢虫、乌龟六种动物中哪些是胎生动物? 蚂蚁,蝴蝶,蜘蛛,蜜蜂,蜻蜓属于什么动物 蝴蝶,蜘蛛,蚂蚁,蚕,蜜蜂这几个动物,人们是怎样称赞它们的? 用蚂蚁,蜘蛛,青蛙,蜜蜂身上的特别之处,写一首动物童诗 蜜蜂,蜘蛛这一类的动物有大脑吗? 和蚂蚁,蜜蜂品质一样的动物有哪些?急. 下列各组动物全部属于节肢动物的是?A.蝗虫、蜜蜂、蜈蚣、蛔虫B.苍蝇、蚂蚁、蜈蚣、蝎子C.蜻蜓、蚕蛾、蚯蚓、蜘蛛D.对虾、河蟹、河蚌、海蜇 有一部恐怖片我记得一开始是几个科学家去森林里面找什么动物 进去之后 不断的遇到危险 有蚂蚁 蜜蜂 蜘蛛最后还有大蛇 请问动物中有没有“数学天才”帮忙举个例子(蚂蚁,蜜蜂,蜘蛛,猩猩或猴子除外) 有十条腿像蜘蛛的动物有十条腿,像蜘蛛.嘴部像蚂蚁,是2个三角型的锷 介绍三种非洲大草原的动物 伟大的动物--蚂蚁,蜜蜂生活之中有哪些伟大的动物 哪些动物属于昆虫类?“蜈蚣,跳蚤,蚊子,蜘蛛,蝙蝠,苍蝇,蝗虫,蚂蚱,青蛙,蚂蚁,蝴蝶,蜜蜂,蚯蚓,蚜虫,壁虎”中那些动物属于昆虫类? 求动物介绍 英文的要一篇英文的动物介绍 不要太长 谁能介绍部那样变异的动物类电影比如说 蚂蚁啊 蜘蛛啊 只要是变异动物的我都看 简短的动物介绍(英文) 介绍四种动物,每个只要两三句就行了,不要太多.