
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/02 12:08:19

公园现存有方泽坛、皇祗室、宰牲亭、斋宫、神库等多处古建.为保护这些优秀文化遗产,东城区园林局于95年投资30余万为古建大殿安装了防火保护神——烟感报警系统,并先后投入大量资金进行维修保护,特别是1999年完成对神马殿的居民搬迁和修缮,2000年又自筹资金200多万进行了钟楼复建和坛墙修复,为20世纪地坛文物古建保护工作划上一个圆满句号 .
...thx a lot

The earth temple park is one plain quiet and tasteful,the dignified solemn and respectful imperial world temple botanical garden,its occupying a land area of 43.1 hectares,afforested area 25 hectares,100 remaining years of life above old tree 168.Park predecessor earth temple,also called Fang Zetan,the beginning constructs in the Ming Dynasty Jiajing nine years,namely in 1530,was the Ming and Qing Dynasties two offers a sacrifice to the place towards the king the place,also was our country is precisely most greatly only extant offers a sacrifice to world of the place.In 1925 is warded off for the capital park,in 1957 renamed the earth temple park,in 1984 sold tickets opens,presently for a city level kind of park.
The park extant Ze world,the emperor respectfully u 0662 room,butchers the domestic animal pavilion,the palace in which the emperor fasted,the god storehouse in the right way and so on many place ancient constructs.In order to protect these outstanding cultural heritage,the Dongcheng district landscape bureau invested 30 in 95 years -odd ten thousand for ancient to construct the main hall to install the fire protection protection god - - smoke feeling alarm system,and invested the massive funds to carry on the service protection successively,specially in 1999 completed to the god Ma Dian inhabitant moves with the restoration,in 2000 self-provided fund 200 ten thousand to carry on the bell tower duplicate to construct with the world wall repair,was the 20th century earth temple cultural relic ancient constructs the protection work to delimit a complete period.
After many year constructions,it has deteriorated the sacrificial offering world temple by the past which declines to develop one to have the good ecology and the landscape effect imperial botanical garden.
Fang Zetan also calls the offerings platform,is the king sacrificial offering “the emperor respectfully u 0662 god” world Taiwan,it is the earth temple host construction,the area is 17,689 square meters about,divides into two,such grand spacious offers a sacrifice to world of the place,not only in China,moreover also is second to none in the world.Above Fang Zetan the occupying a land area of general,the writing style is grand,ascends a height to get a broad view,makes one read the world long,the smooth train of thought in hundred generations.
Park west gate decorative archway grand exquisite,is one of Beijing biggest decorative archways.It is according to Qing Dynasty Qianlong when constructs the model to construct,the construction scale occupies the Beijing decorative archway.The green colored glaze tiling,draws by Shan Fengtu,the double phoenix chart and the peony design,the positive center has the earth temple two characters,back the core has Guang Houjie the inscription,is one of earth temple park main scenic spots.
In recent years new additional construction rosa indica garden,peony garden,collection fragrant park and so on new botanical garden scenic spot.Superscription the famous knowledge by artistic Master Liu Haisu the rosa indica garden is a collection display,watching,the popular science in a body rosa indica garden,in has the rosa indica 300 kinds,in the quiet and tasteful unique peony garden the fountain,the stone arch bridge,the pavilion porch,the waterside pavilion border on the docking,the collection fragrant park are a class of fit have the characteristic in the garden the garden.

The earth temple park is one plain quiet and tasteful, the dignified solemn and respectful imperial world temple botanical garden, its occupying a land area of 43.1 hectares, afforested area 25 hectar...


The earth temple park is one plain quiet and tasteful, the dignified solemn and respectful imperial world temple botanical garden, its occupying a land area of 43.1 hectares, afforested area 25 hectares, 100 remaining years of life above old tree 168. Park predecessor earth temple, also called Fang Zetan, the beginning constructs in the Ming Dynasty Jiajing nine years, namely in 1530, was the Ming and Qing Dynasties two offers a sacrifice to the place towards the king the place, also was our country is precisely most greatly only extant offers a sacrifice to world of the place. In 1925 is warded off for the capital park, in 1957 renamed the earth temple park, in 1984 sold tickets opens, presently for a city level kind of park.
The park extant Ze world, the emperor respectfully u 0662 room, butchers the domestic animal pavilion, the palace in which the emperor fasted, the god storehouse in the right way and so on many place ancient constructs. In order to protect these outstanding cultural heritage, the Dongcheng district landscape bureau invested 30 in 95 years -odd ten thousand for ancient to construct the main hall to install the fire protection protection god - - smoke feeling alarm system, and invested the massive funds to carry on the service protection successively, specially in 1999 completed to the god Ma Dian inhabitant moves with the restoration, in 2000 self-provided fund 200 ten thousand to carry on the bell tower duplicate to construct with the world wall repair, was the 20th century earth temple cultural relic ancient constructs the protection work to delimit a complete period.
After many year constructions, it has deteriorated the sacrificial offering world temple by the past which declines to develop one to have the good ecology and the landscape effect imperial botanical garden.
Fang Zetan also calls the offerings platform, is the king sacrificial offering “the emperor respectfully u 0662 god” world Taiwan, it is the earth temple host construction, the area is 17,689 square meters about, divides into two, such grand spacious offers a sacrifice to world of the place, not only in China, moreover also is second to none in the world. Above Fang Zetan the occupying a land area of general, the writing style is grand, ascends a height to get a broad view, makes one read the world long, the smooth train of thought in hundred generations.


英语翻译地坛公园是一座古朴幽雅、庄严肃穆的皇家坛庙园林,它占地43.1公顷,绿化面积25公顷,100余年以上的古树168株.公园的前身地坛,又称方泽坛,始建于明代嘉靖九年,即公元1530年,是明清两 庄严肃穆 造句 庄严肃穆的反义词是什么? 肃穆的反义词是庄严吗?为什么? 用庄严肃穆造句帮忙啊,快点啊 和蔼可亲和庄严肃穆是反义词么、RT 初二语文,解释下列词语玲珑: 湛蓝: 布局: 肃穆: 幽雅: 悠扬: 井然有序: 写一段描写家乡景色的话广袤无垠 尽态极妍 长途跋涉 销声匿迹 幽雅 肃穆 ( )地闪烁?肃穆的近义词? 描写阅兵式的成语如:庄严肃穆.要求:不得少于15个. 巍巍中山陵 设计者怎样体现陵园的庄严肃穆和孙中山先生精神的不朽? 把这个句子改为直述句“一片斜阳洒落,金光把校园照的分外庄严肃穆” 帮忙做道语病修改题庄严肃穆的建筑物,在阳光的照射下,反射出耀眼的光芒,刺地我眼睛差点睁不开.不就是个美术馆嘛,干嘛弄地像个优雅高贵的女皇,那么地高高在上,那么地圣洁威严不可亵渎 英语翻译世界上有许多有趣的主题公园,但是你知道这座公园么?这座公园位于宗教圣地,他想通过这里庄严的氛围把自己化身为佛教中的天堂,它就是越南的仙泉旅游公园.园中遍布各种庄严的 下列句子加点的成语使用正确的一项是 A.周围高高低低的树木鳞次栉比,庄严肃穆的修道院就坐落在这片绿树浓荫中B.进入九年级以来,我们班的好多同学都比以前更加苦心孤诣地学习,很多同 从下面备选词语中至少选用俩个词语,并使用一种修辞手法,写一段描写湖光山色的话备选词语:古朴 雄姿 肃穆 月明风清 重峦叠嶂 英语翻译长陵镇具有丰厚的文化底蕴,境内有周代,汉代文化遗址6处,明代国槐3株,明泉5处,始建于明清时期的关帝庙,槐王庙,丛林寺庄严肃穆,别具一格,游人络绎不绝.开发了琉璃瓦,S型彩瓦,建筑 英语翻译:走进图书馆,感到很庄严