
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/28 04:41:28


Everyone has their own university,and my university will often send me some new baby,the baby sometimes make people anxious,violent,and sometimes make people happy.Perhaps this is the beauty of a short journey in life,and I was deeply in love with the scenery of the journey...
Tossed,twisting the body,the 2234,once again.Stand at the venue,panic under body stiff,retarded,don't know the last is how to survive.
In Egypt there are only women can have a tattoo,it is the symbol of happiness,it is important in wedding totem.
First pick strawberries,is on the wall for six hours of the farmland highways.Whatever in the face of unexpected problems,must be to pursue happy state of mind,look attractive small strawberry in the straw hat,the taste as if still remain in the tip of the tongue.

Everyone has his own university, the University and I often send some new baby give me the baby, and sometimes people anxious touchy, and sometimes people filled with joy. Maybe a short trip, this is ...


Everyone has his own university, the University and I often send some new baby give me the baby, and sometimes people anxious touchy, and sometimes people filled with joy. Maybe a short trip, this is the beautiful life, and I was deeply in love with this journey scenery...... TELL ME Shuaishuaitou hair, twist the body, two two three four, once again. Standing in the venue, panic stiff, dull witted, do not know finally is how to survive. HENNA there is a only a woman can have the tattoo in Egypt, it is a symbol of happiness, it is the totem of important wedding. Strawberry picking first surprise, is in a block of six hours of highway farmland. No matter how face of unexpected problems, keep pursuing a happy state of mind, small strawberry seductive looking hat, that taste as if still remain in the tip of the tongue.


求用英语翻译下面的话.我英语实在是不敢往外秀.跪求会翻译的同学帮忙写在前面的话每个人都有属于自己的大学,而我的大学经常会送一些新奇的宝贝给我,这些宝贝时而让人焦虑暴躁,时而 可能是因为大多国产剧实在不敢恭维,这句话用英语怎么翻译? 如果你不敢的话,英语咋说?RT我的语境是:如果你敢的话,XXXX,如果你不敢的话,XXXXXXX 到底哪个正确啊 英语翻译英语实在是不好.. 英语翻译冰晶雪露水玲珑如果是帮忙翻译我表示感谢 如果是用些不文明的话来侮辱别人我鄙视他!尤其是下面那位 做了又不敢承认 英语翻译英语放下太多年,实在不敢保证没有语法的错误,所以请求高手帮我翻一下,很抱歉,我奶奶突然去世了,所以原定18号的见面我没法到场了,如果你方便的话,如果因此打乱了你的安 下面的话用英语怎么说,你的工作实在是太忙了,这样对身体是有伤害的,我真心希望你好好照顾自己.(Ps:工作实在太忙,这个表示程度的意思一定要表达明确,不要用so,too,very什么的) 我英语口语不太好所以不敢接您电话之类的话用英语怎么说?我们外教打电话问我是谁我不敢接… 以后我不敢保证 用英语翻译怎么说? 英语翻译用中文,不太准没事,如果实在不行 就用拼音.好的话我再加分. 英语翻译我尝试过游泳,但我不敢的英语 想把下面的话翻译成文言文:你们的思想境界太高了,我实在是望尘莫及,自愧不如 英语翻译本人 英语 水平实在是有限 晚饭后,我必须洗碗.用英语是不是:After dinner,I have to wash bowls.不是的话帮我改下,我实在是不会写 英语翻译说是翻译,其实就是找出跟国语谐音的字,实在没有谐音的字用英语也可以,实在不行字母也可以,如果是字母,请专门打出来(前后各空1格)谢谢,好的话我加分还要国语和粤语对照 英语翻译实在想不出四种的话,有几种写几种吧, 我为什么不敢?用英语怎么说 英语翻译我已进行交易请您确认!我英语实在是不好!