
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/04 00:07:17

如果长的话 就随便翻译哪部分都行

Two, discusses the error correction method
(a) in English teaching.
For English language teaching, correcting or not mainly depends on the nature of the error, and objectives. Error correction should pay attention to correct the wrong object is different, the different attitude to error correction. Pay attention to the distinction between the nature of the error, if the error is a language skills, should be corrected, and through practice to master the correct form, because this kind of error is due to the language rules not perfect caused by, and
This type of error is productive, often cause a series of similar errors. Pay attention to correct timing, and grasp the key to correct timing is to deal with fluent (fluency) and accuracy (accuracy) relationship, if the error is corrected immediately, it is in order to accurately at the expense of fluency, and vice versa is not desirable. English learners to speak English the opportunity are not many, to encourage them to speak English, speak English well, the teacher cannot every wrong must be corrected. During the process of learning English is a test, error correction, and then test. Communication practice is in a certain context, focus on content and information, rather than grammar, so as long as the error does not affect the communication or the expression of meaning, can not correct, but to record the error down typical or serious, later corrected. Mechanical drill is the beginning of students' perception of language materials, emphasizing the accuracy of linguistic forms, can see the wrong will, and let the students often imitate the right language to control. Therefore, training for different purposes, methods and techniques of error correction are also different.
(two) English learners.
English learners should know the interference of Chinese to English, in the low grade in grammar, in high grade mainly in meaning and style. So in English learning phase, can be a lot of drills, flexibility in the use of English and fixed pattern of exclusion of mother tongue interference, must cultivate the correct English habits or useful. Early and correct use of dictionaries, true understanding of the significance of English words and phrases, mainly rely on the dictionary, the dictionary of the most important materials and cases and citation. Definitions and interpretation from the examples and citation in interpretation, and the quotation is not a definition and explanation of the attachment, not essential, but very lively and vivid description, so English learners must be fully use of the dictionary. The problem of sentence meaning and expression of the most difficult to solve, dictionary can give learners some help, but the most important thing is to English learners of English works repeatedly pondering, there will be in my heart. Native speaker intuition to judge a word right, OK, no natural language to English learners, but slowly ponder, the sensitivity training. To distinguish the difference between "right" and "wrong", the difference is that the former is essentially, language skills, understanding of it, and the latter is the language practice or the practice of error, the error is the language behavior. In the learning process of the two kinds of error should adopt different methods, for the error need not go, because this kind of / error is / random, English learners have the ability to self - correct. But for / 0 language / 0 errors to dig, English learners should learn self anatomy, the problems have to use our brains.

英语翻译二、纠正错误的方法论述(一)英语教学者方面.对于英语教学者来说,纠错与否主要决定于错误的性质、程度和教学目的等.纠错时应注意被纠正错误的对象不同,采用的纠错态度不同.注 排球扣球时易犯的错误及纠正方法 纠正英语发音最好的方法 我们可以纠正以前的错误用英语怎么说 纠正左倾错误的会议 如何纠正口语发音我的英语读出来鼻音特别重如何纠正这个毛病不然特难听一楼的说了好多 可都是纠正不对的阿我想问的是正确的方法阿 .我们应该时刻保持警惕,用事实,用科学的方法,纠正错误,而且应当有坚持真理的毅力.这句话的时刻一词,有什么作用 纠正成语纠正“烫用自如”的错误, 英语翻译correct mistakes 是纠正错误,那纠正某人的错误,例如 纠正我的错误,是用 Correct my mistakes ,or correct me with my mistakes?介词是否用with?还是说没有介词? 人生中的有些错误也许是不应当去纠正的,一纠正便犯了新的、也许更严重的错误.这句话的含义! 英语翻译英语翻译:挑选一些好书读,学习作者的写作方法.坚持每天写日记,写自己感兴趣的事情.参加写作俱乐部,和大家交流写作感受.回顾自己的作品,纠正其中的错误. 怎样纠正我的普通话错误读法? 用WORD怎么纠正英语单词的错误 我国党如何纠正文革的错误 十一届三中全会纠正了文革的哪些错误 如何纠正孩子的错误行为 真理标准的讨论纠正什么的错误 如何纠正孩子的错误行为