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Tennis as the modern sport can be dated to two separate roots. Between 1859 and 1865, Major Harry Gem and his friend Augurio Perera developed a game that combined elements of rackets and the Basque ball game pelota, which they played on Perera's croquet lawn in Birmingham, England.[2] [3] In 1872, along with two local doctors, they founded the world's first tennis club in Leamington Spa.[4] The Courier of 23 July 1884 recorded one of the first tennis tournaments, held in the grounds of Shrubland Hall.[5]
In December 1873, Major Walter Clopton Wingfield designed a similar game — which he called sphairistike (Greek σφάίρίστική, skill at playing at ball), and was soon known simply as "sticky" — for the amusement of his guests at a garden party on his estate of Nantclwyd, in Llanelidan, Wales.[6] He based the game on the older sport of indoor tennis or real tennis. According to most tennis historians, modern tennis terminology also derives from this period, as Wingfield borrowed both the name and much of the French vocabulary of real tennis and applied them to his new game.
The first championships at Wimbledon, in London were played in 1877.[7] On May 21, 1881, the United States National Lawn Tennis Association (now the United States Tennis Association) was formed to standardize the rules and organize competitions.[8] The U.S. National Men's Singles Championship, now the U.S. Open, was first held in 1881 at Newport, Rhode Island.[9] The U.S. National Women's Singles Championships were first held in 1887.[10] Tennis was also popular in France, where the French Open dates to 1891.[11] Thus, Wimbledon, the U.S. Open, the French Open, and the Australian Open (dating to 1905) became and have remained the most prestigious events in tennis.[12][13] Together these four events are called the Grand Slam (a term borrowed from bridge).[14] The comprehensive International Lawn Tennis Federation rules promulgated in 1924 have remained remarkably stable in the ensuing eighty years, the one major change being the addition of the tie-breaker system designed by James Van Alen.[15] The Davis Cup, an annual competition between national teams, dates to 1900.[16]
In 1926, promoter C.C. Pyle established the first professional tennis tour with a group of American and French tennis players playing exhibition matches to paying audiences.[13] [17] The most notable of these early professionals were the American Vinnie Richards and the Frenchwoman Suzanne Lenglen.[13] [18] Once a player turned pro he or she could not compete in the major (amateur) tournaments.[13]
In 1968, commercial pressures and rumors of some amateurs taking money under the table led to the abandonment of this distinction, inaugurating the open era, in which all players could compete in all tournaments, and top players were able to make their living from tennis.[19] With the beginning of the open era, the establishment of an international professional tennis circuit, and revenues from the sale of television rights, tennis has spread all over the world and has lost its upper-class English-speaking image.
In 1954, Van Alen founded the International Tennis Hall of Fame, a non-profit museum in Newport, Rhode Island.[20] The building contains a large collection of tennis memorabilia as well as a hall of fame honoring prominent members and tennis players from all over the world. Each year, a grass-court tournament and an induction ceremony honoring new Hall of Fame members are hosted on its grounds.
现代的网球则於1873年12月由华尔特·科洛普顿·温菲尔德少校(Major Walter Clopton Wingfield)在英国发明,当时这个游戏是用来在后院的派对中取悦客人.他是根据老的室内网球或者称为原网球的游戏创造这项运动的.根据大多数网球历史学家,现代网球的规则也大多数从此而来,因为温菲尔德从这两项运动中借鉴了大量元素,还借鉴了法国皇室网球的一些技巧规则.
1877年在英国伦敦温布尔顿举行了首场A|zh-hk:温布顿网球锦标赛;zh-hans:温布尔登网球锦标赛,为现代网球史上最早的比赛.随著国际网球联合会於1913年成立,网球运动亦於世界各地得以广泛发展.在1881年5月21日,美国国家草地网球联盟(现在的美国网球联盟)成立以规范规则和竞技制度.美国国家男子单打锦标赛,就是现在的美国公开赛,1881年首次在美国罗得岛的新港举行.美国国家女子单打锦标赛在1887年举行.网球也在法国(法国网球公开赛1891年)流行.世界著名的网球公开赛有:温布尔顿网球公开赛、美国网球公开赛、澳洲网球公开赛和法国网球公开赛.今天,这四项赛事被称为大满贯.关於草地网球的规则80年之内都没有改变,只是在1900年,由詹姆士·凡·阿兰(James Van Alen)做出了一项重要改变:1900年,著名的一年一度戴维斯杯网球公开赛在国家队之间举行.
1926年,商人C.C.派尔(C.C.Pyle)建立了首个职业网球巡回赛,队员由美国和法国网球运动员组成.最值得称道的早期职业网球选手有美国的温尼·理察斯(Vinnie Richards)和法国女子苏赞妮·冷莲(Suzanne Lenglen).当一个队员成为职业选手后,他/她就不能参加业余选手赛.

The origin and sport developmentvv
Modern sport generally include indoor and outdoor tennis tennis in two forms. Sport originated in the first 12 to 13 century French missionaries in the church co...


The origin and sport developmentvv
Modern sport generally include indoor and outdoor tennis tennis in two forms. Sport originated in the first 12 to 13 century French missionaries in the church corridors, with a palm-hitter game. Later became a palace in the indoor leisure entertainment. It was also suggested that the origin of sport should be traced back to the "Hundred Years War" (1337 ~ 1453 British-French war the two countries) in the past, France circulated a civil Mingjiaohaiou Depayin Wumai the ball game. It is said that this game is for two people, each Gezhi a racket, the stadium is built around the wall, the ball hit the wall after the shells back, then the net. Therefore, from the use of the space and equipment, or from the game on the way, it is the modern sport there are many similarities, so some people see it as the primary form of sport.
By the mid-14th century French poets such a ball game introduced to the French court, as the aristocratic men and women of the royal family entertainment. At that time playing this game, the venue is within the palace hall, do not have a no racket, the ball is a round of rolls with a rope tied after 10% of. Venues set up a rope to the middle sector, using both hands for the racket, the ball from the Rope to lose to lose, the French called "Tennez", in English called "Takeit! Play", meaning: "seize! Throwing the past" , Today's "tennis (Tennis)" a phrase that comes from this. Soon wooden rackets were used to replace the two-handed Paiqiu. Early 16th century, this ball game was that the French nationals, out of curiosity began to follow, quickly spread to other cities, and improved appliances. Comparing the ball in the manufacture of durable, wooden racket by the board to parchment, shoot surface area to enlarge, grip the handle also lengthened. The middle of the rope venues, increased countless falling short rope to the ground, the ball from a rope below, you can obviously find. France's King Louis was later banned, and that it is the prerogative of the court in the game. The early 17th century, the venue no longer used the middle rope curtain, and the use of small box net, the role of network better than the screens, using threads of the net beat film, flexible and lightweight convenience. In France the court in such a game, placing a stadium next to the golden containers, each race has been completed, the audience after the money invested, as the winner of the prize. This initial good intention, then gradually evolved into a kind of gambling. The number is still small at the start, the course of time the bet is, some people even so the earth, so the dispute repeatedly, France's then banned again for this game, and this is the early 18th century the main reason for decline tennis.
In about 1358 to 1360, this ball game spread to France from Britain. Britain's King Edward III, of particular interest to have ordered the construction of a palace in the indoor stadium. Since then, tennis popular in the United Kingdom started to become a British upper class entertainment, it is "noble sport" Blair said. This is mainly popular during the indoor tennis. Until September 29, 1793, in the United Kingdom a "sports" magazine, only the "tennis venue," the name.
The history of modern sport is generally from the beginning of 1873. That year, the British沃尔特克洛Compton Winfield will play tennis early to be improved to make it a lawn in the summer on a sports, and the name "lawn tennis." The same year also published a "lawn tennis" as the brochure, such publicity and promotion activities. So Winfield referred to as "the founder of modern tennis." Since then tennis has become an indoor, outdoor sports can be conducted. At the same time in the United Kingdom established around the tennis club. 1875 has also established the All England Tennis Club. The club in the world, and the construction of a tennis court, and in 1877 organized the All England Lawn Tennis Championships men's singles, was the world-famous Wimbledon tennis tournament. Sport and the competition for a wide range of activities have become increasingly frequent, there is no uniform rules of course, is not acceptable. So in 1876, from some parts of the famous tennis club sent representatives to a meeting to discuss the development of a research and reunification of the All England Tennis rules. After several rounds of consultations, representatives of the parties finally to the sport venues, equipment, and the game play and achieved a consensus of views, and form a unified rule. After about 1878, most of the British Tennis Club are gradually in accordance with the new play activities, training and competitions.
1874, the U.S. holiday in Bermuda, Bridgetown Maliaote watched a British officer in the tennis competition, quite interested in this sport, so the rules will be tennis, and tennis net to shoot in New York. In the United States, the sport was first launched in the eastern part of the school, and soon spread to central, western, then popular in the United States. At this time by the sport has evolved to the grass in the sand, cement floor and asphalt at the ground game, so "tennis (Tennis)" to gradually replace the name "lawn tennis (LawnTennis)" the name, this is our today Tennis (Tennis) the origin of the name. Modern sport in the early stages, women are often excluded, because the sport is not suitable for women. At the same time that women's participation in the sport, objectionable. So early tennis match with only two men's singles and doubles, women's tennis item no. However, some female athletes not only the courage to break through public opinion and the family block, but also some technical level than the men. In some non-formal in the singles competition is often a side of men, women athletes is the other side of the situation. This forced some tennis club had to get rid of the ban, allowing women to participate in this campaign. So from the beginning of 1879 gave birth to the men and women mixed doubles competition, it is women themselves to work hard results.
1878, the first men's doubles tournament held in England. 1879, the first women's singles and mixed doubles competitions held in Ireland. 1884, an increase of Wimbledon women's singles and men's doubles championship. 1913 has also increased the women's doubles and mixed doubles championship. 1881, the world has emerged in the first national tennis associations, namely the United States National Lawn Tennis Association ( "National" in the 1920 abolition of the word). The year will be from August 31 to September 3, in Newport Rhode Island in Hong Kong held its first session of the United States lawn tennis men's singles and men's doubles championship, the use of the Wimbledon game rules, participate in the competition's 26 People.
USA Network's Chairman of the National Grassland and the United States men's singles champion Dwight Sears, is also participating in the first Wimbledon Championships overseas athletes.
1887, held the United States Lawn Tennis Championships women's singles, women's doubles and mixed doubles were started in 1890 and 1892.
1891, the first French men's singles and men's doubles championship, the participants limited to French citizens, women's singles began in 1897.
1900, 21-year-old American tennis players Davis, in order to promote the development of modern sport, donated a gold silver big bowl of the village, known as the Davis Cup. It later became the most prestigious international tennis tournament men's trophy permanent flow. The annual championship teams and team name engraved on the Cup, when the 1920 Keman name, Davis also donated a pad boxes, after two pallets have been added.
1904, the Australian Lawn Tennis Association was established in 1905 and began hosting the Australian Championships, a men's singles, men's doubles of the items. 1922 has also increased the women's singles, women's doubles and mixed doubles 3. French tennis championships, the United Kingdom Wimbledon Championships, U.S. Open Tennis Championships and the Australian Tennis Championships together is the world's most prestigious "Grand Slam" Tennis Championships. Any one player or a group of doubles players in the same season, won four Championship, it will be "grand slam" winner of the honor.
March 1, 1913, from Australia, and other 12 countries of the Association of Tennis, in Paris the establishment of the International Tennis Federation (ITF), the coordination of international tennis events, competition schedule for the whole year, the amended rules of tennis and to oversee its implementation .
1919, drawing lots of "seed" system. 1927, the United Kingdom's first seamless tennis, the ball speed up. 1945 to the 1960s, the trend of professional tennis. 1963 began organizing women's team competition - the Confederations Cup. 1968 Wimbledon first practice does not distinguish between amateur and professional athletes participating in the system. 1972, the International Association of men's professional tennis players set up. 1973, the International Women's Tennis Association to set up.
1896 held in Athens in the first modern Olympic Games, tennis men's singles and doubles were classified as official event. Later, with the IOC and the International Tennis Federation in "amateur athletes," there are differences on the issue, has been going on for the seventh consecutive Olympic tennis event was cancelled. Luoshan Fan until the 1984 Olympic Games, tennis was only classified as performances. To the 1988 Seoul Olympics, tennis was re-classified as official event.
Because the most primitive origins of the sport is in the court, so method of calculation Jiudiqucai is understandable. They can take the clock to Bodong points, every once in the fourth rotation will be the clock, which is 15 points (a quarter, minute), the same token, the clock will be allocated two hours to 30 hours, of course, all They are the basis of convenience. That is 15 points, 30 points of origin.
For 40 minutes, it is relatively strange, it is not a multiple of 15. This is because in English, read for 15 minutes "fifteen", for the two-syllable, and read for 30 minutes "thirty", is also two-syllable, but 45 minutes, in English read for "forty-five", has become three Syllable, when the British people feel that a mouthful, does not conform to "facilitate" principle, then put it into the same for the two-syllable 40 (forty). This seems illogical is the origin of 40 points. Although such a method of calculation seems somewhat strange, but still follow the tradition has been adopted, after all, we have adapted to this method of calculation from the palace.
因为最原始的网球运动是起源于宫廷之中,所以计分方法就地取材是可以理解的。他们拿可以拨动的时钟来计分,每得一次分就将时钟转动四分之一,也就是15分(a quarter,一刻),同理,得两次分就将时钟拨至30分,当然一切都是以他们的方便为基础。这就是15分、30分的由来。

找一篇1500字左右的英文短文内容要关于网球体育产业的,如果实在没有体育产业的也行.要英文原版和中文翻译! 关于NBA内容的40字左右的英文小短文 SOHO 英文短文求一篇关于SOHO的英文短文 200字左右 内容包括SOHO的介绍及做SOHO须具备的条件 英语课演讲用的 找一篇关于英文名字的英文文章?300字左右哦! 找一篇关于 音乐影响心情 的英语短文100字左右 关于SOHO英文短文求一篇关于SOHO的英文短文 200字左右 内容包括SOHO的介绍及做SOHO须具备的条件 英语课演讲用的 谢谢 一篇关于爱因斯坦轶事的英语小短文,字数在200字左右,内容不要太幼稚 有谁可以帮我找一篇英文短文?关于爱琴海的 我需要一篇300字左右的,关于健康为话题的英文短文, 谁能给我一篇关于克隆好处和坏处的英文短文,大概180字左右 用英文写一篇70字左右的短文.关于介绍Beijing,70字 一篇关于南开大学简介的英文短文150字左右,包括校训 求一篇关于facebook 的英文短文,字数在300字左右, 要一篇关于季节的英文短文.急. 求,关于南非世界杯的英文短文我英文不是很好,求一篇关于南非世界杯的英文短文,150字左右, 一篇关于火星的英文短文 再求一篇英文短文 假如我是班长200字左右要和上一篇不一样的 关于的英语短文.初中阶段的.帮忙找一篇关于的英语短文.初中阶段的就行了.80字左右就ok.