英语翻译进入2012年2月,在体育和乐坛两大追星激烈的领域,分别有爆炸性的新闻诞生:2月10日,在一场NBA常规赛中,纽约尼克斯队主场92:85战胜洛杉矶湖人队,24岁的尼克斯华裔后卫林书豪(Jeremy L

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/27 23:30:17
英语翻译进入2012年2月,在体育和乐坛两大追星激烈的领域,分别有爆炸性的新闻诞生:2月10日,在一场NBA常规赛中,纽约尼克斯队主场92:85战胜洛杉矶湖人队,24岁的尼克斯华裔后卫林书豪(Jeremy L

英语翻译进入2012年2月,在体育和乐坛两大追星激烈的领域,分别有爆炸性的新闻诞生:2月10日,在一场NBA常规赛中,纽约尼克斯队主场92:85战胜洛杉矶湖人队,24岁的尼克斯华裔后卫林书豪(Jeremy L
进入2012年2月,在体育和乐坛两大追星激烈的领域,分别有爆炸性的新闻诞生:2月10日,在一场NBA常规赛中,纽约尼克斯队主场92:85战胜洛杉矶湖人队,24岁的尼克斯华裔后卫林书豪(Jeremy Lin)以38分7次助攻的优异战绩,刷新纪录一跃成为超级篮球巨星.但就在第二天,即当地时间2月11日下午,一代流行乐坛天后惠特尼•休斯顿(Whitney Houston) 在洛杉矶一家酒店里因药物和酒精中毒死亡,终年48岁.无独有偶,一颗新星升起了,一代明星陨落了.
  根据未证实的报道,惠特尼•休斯顿因药物和酒精中毒在酒店的浴缸里溺亡,药物/毒品再一次成为杀人凶手---因为半个世纪以来,迈克尔杰克逊(Michael Jackson)、“猫王”埃尔维斯普雷斯利(Elvis Preslay)、玛丽莲梦露(Marilyn Monroe)……等世界级巨星,几乎都死于药物、酒精和毒品.
  美国梦工厂制作的大型动画《埃及王子》中的主题曲 “When You Believe”由惠特尼•休斯顿和马利亚•凯莉(Mariah Carey)合作推出,应当说,这首歌被她们二人演绎得出神入化.
  When You Believe (当你相信的时候)
  There can be miracles when you believe,
  Though hope is frail it's hard to kill,
  Who knows what miracle you can achieve,
  When you believe somehow you will.
  You will when you believe.
  Just believe,you will when you believe.
  林书豪曾经引用圣经对众人作见证说,我要为神去打球!“岂不知在场上赛跑的都跑,但得奖赏的只有一人?你们也当这样跑,好叫你们得着奖赏.凡较力争胜的,诸事都有节制,他们不过是要得能坏的冠冕,我们却是要得不能坏的冠冕 ”祝愿林书豪前面的路跑得好!

英语翻译进入2012年2月,在体育和乐坛两大追星激烈的领域,分别有爆炸性的新闻诞生:2月10日,在一场NBA常规赛中,纽约尼克斯队主场92:85战胜洛杉矶湖人队,24岁的尼克斯华裔后卫林书豪(Jeremy L
In February 2012, there explosive news was born separately into sports and music cycles, two fierce areas for nuptial tuberdes: on February 10, NBA regular season, the New York Knicks won 92-85 home victory over the Los Angeles Lakers, during which, 24 years old Knicks Chinese defender LinShuHao (Jeremy Lin) refreshed the records and become the new basketball superstar with 7 assists and 38 points. But on the second day, exactly the afternoon of February 11th the local time, Whitney Houston (Whitney Houston), the Pop Music Queen died of a poisoning for drug and alcohol in a Los Angeles hotel at the age of 48. A new star rose while another one fell.
Whitney Houston, Gammy best female singer, is also an actor, producer and model; All her short life, she once won awards for 415 times, with 22 times being the American Music Awards She also Breaks the Guinness World Records by a sales record of more than 180 million album around the world. Her sudden death makes her fans and the whole world sigh unceasingly.
According to unconfirmed reports, Whitney Houston was drowned to death for drug and alcohol poisoning in a tub of hotel. Drugs once again act as the killer. For half a century, too many world class superstars such as the Michael Jackson, "Elvis" Elvis Presley and Marilyn Monroe etc, almost all died of drugs and alcohol.
Whitney Houston possesses a special talent and since her childhood she had already begun to sing in the church choir. However, when achievement, fame, wealth, and honour do stream, she couldn't bear the heavy, lose her in applause and never looked back.
Whitney Houston and Mary Carey cooperated with each other and together released the theme song -- "When You Believe" of the large animation “The Prince of Egypt “produced by United States DreamWorks. Honestly speaking, they two did very well.
What a pity that Whitney Houston creates the classics of this song while failed to practice himself the words of this song.
The bible says it’s more meaningful to go to the house of mourning rather than that of feasting, for all men come to death some day, which all the living must put in mind.
It’s Drugs that took away his shining life. However, currently in the United States, there are nearly 112 millions of people taking their anti-anxiety drugs every day, let alone the group of drug addicts. More worrying still is that this situation is spreading among white-collar around many big cities in China. We should by no means ignore the cause for Whitney Houston’s tragedy.
Jesus said, "Whoever drinks the water will come to be thirsty. But if he drank the water offered by me, he will never thirst, for the water I provide can develop into a fountain of water till eternal life."
Finally, let’s come back to Shuhao Lin who once quoted the bible claiming that he plays for god! "However, he ignores the fact that only the minority can become the final Champaign while other players can only enjoy the pain of failure in most time. All things rise and fall. We should remind ourselves of this fact now and again .
May him surmount himself in the future!
Please keep in mind, my friends that it’s not easy to be a star. May god bless you that you can bear the heavy of applause and flowers for your excellent achievement.

英语翻译进入2012年2月,在体育和乐坛两大追星激烈的领域,分别有爆炸性的新闻诞生:2月10日,在一场NBA常规赛中,纽约尼克斯队主场92:85战胜洛杉矶湖人队,24岁的尼克斯华裔后卫林书豪(Jeremy L 英语翻译刘德华,1961年9月27日生于香港,是香港著名演员兼歌手,是香港“四大天王”之一,曾获得香港荣誉勋章的演艺人士,亦是大中华地区乐坛和影坛巨星,华人娱乐圈的代表人物之一.刘德华 英语翻译Rod Stewart于1945年1月10日出生于伦敦,本名 Roderick David Stewart.豆沙般的嗓音,桀骜不驯的舞台形象,源源不断的创作灵感构成了摇滚巨星Rod Stewart.Rod在乐坛经历了三个不同年代,他的歌路变 为什么2泉映月深受我国人民的喜爱,在国际乐坛上享有盛誉, 英语翻译Beyond,香港著名摇滚乐队,成立於1983年.被公认为华语乐坛上最成功和最有影响力的乐队之一,Beyond不但在香港、中国内地及台湾均有大量乐迷,即使远在日本、新加坡、大马等地区亦有 英语翻译Beyond,香港著名摇滚乐队,成立於1983年.被公认为华语乐坛上最成功和最有影响力的乐队之一,Beyond不但在香港、中国内地及台湾均有大量乐迷,即使远在日本、新加坡、大马等地区亦有 英语翻译艾薇儿·拉维尼,加拿大著名流行女歌手.2002年并以歌曲《Skater Boy》出名.Avril对音乐、时尚、个性以及性感的定义被年青人所普遍接受和模仿,是乐坛的领军人物.其积极向上,充满乐观 英语翻译在2008年北京奥运会成功举办后,国务院为了满足人民体育需求.设每年8月8日为“全民健身日” 女子体育中考800米我是初三学生,身高158cm,体重48kg.我们要在2012年三月份上旬进行体育中考,女子800米满分标准是3分38秒.我现在跑800米的时间在3分50秒至3分58秒之间.距离考试时间还有2个月的 miss A和f(x)在乐坛谁更厉害,无论是韩国还是中国,甚至于是全世界,哪个组合人气更高 英语翻译周洋于1991年6月9日出生在吉林,60米,体重53公斤.周洋2006年11月进入到国家队,2月20日,在温哥华冬奥会上,中国选手周洋获得短道速滑女子1500米冠军.王蒙是中国女子短道速滑队的领军人 英语翻译2012年2月 过去十二个月?怎么衔接 濮存昕在朗读体育颂时的伴奏北京交通广播网 2007年08月09日 邀请演员濮存昕录制了现代奥林匹克之父顾拜旦创作的散文诗《体育颂》,8月8日和9日在北京交通广播黄金时间播出. 用英语翻译:8月在9月和7月之间,8月天气很热 科学家说2012年12月21日,不是世界末日,而是地球进入了光子带,进入第四空间?有爱心的人,和不怕死的人,会进入新的世界,剩下的,全都要死掉? 他是在2010年2月5日以后才进入我们公司的的英文怎么说 英语翻译英语翻译:在2月12日,我和父母去兜商店. 2012年在中国那里举办世界大学生运动会体育