求one less reason的no you no me歌词!最好是中英文对照的·········谢谢!

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/04 08:25:11
求one less reason的no you no me歌词!最好是中英文对照的·········谢谢!

求one less reason的no you no me歌词!最好是中英文对照的·········谢谢!
求one less reason的no you no me歌词!最好是中英文对照的·········谢谢!

求one less reason的no you no me歌词!最好是中英文对照的·········谢谢!
No You No Me lyrics
I'm writing you a letter我给你写一封信
At least I'm trying to最少我在尝试
But I hate every single Word I choose但是我讨厌我选的每个词
I tore up lots of paper
Full of things i thought i meant我撕毁很多充满我的想法和我的意志的纸张(两句一起)
That never would have wound up getting sent伤口永远不会被寄出
I keep coming back我一直在回来
to these four words为了这四个字
I keep writing them我一直写
Over and over一遍又一遍
No you,no me无你 无我
It's a stupid kind of thing to say说明了是种愚蠢的事情
I hope you get what I mean我希望你能懂我
And it's ok这样就好
That I miss you more than I'm suppose to我想你比我假设的还多
It's hard to be no you,没有你太难,
no me没有我
Your address is Orlando你的地址是奥兰多
Where u always liked the sun那有你喜欢的阳光
Remember how we planned to go there once?还记得我们打算去那里一次吗
So many mischances are all I think about如此多的厄运我都曾想过
I'm living most with what I live without.(T.T这句一直没想到合适的译法.体谅下,自行体会吧)
What’s it feel like to read these lines,当读到这行时它是什么感觉
Standing there in the Florida sunshine?站在弗罗里达的阳光下
No you,no me无你 无我
It's a stupid kind of thing to say说清楚是件挺蠢的事
I hope u get what I mean我希望你能懂我
And it's ok这样就好
That I miss you more than I'm suppose to我想你比我预料的还要多
It's hard to be no you没你太难
no me,没我
I keep coming back我一直在回来
to these four words为了这四个字
I keep writing them我一直写
Over and over一遍又一遍
Whats it feel like to read these lines,当读到这行时它是什么感觉
Standing there in the Florida sunshine?站在弗罗里达的阳光下
No you,no me没你 没我
It's a stupid kind of thing to say说明了是种愚蠢的事情
I hope you get what I
And it's ok这样就好
If I miss you more than I'm suppose to如果我想你比我假设的还多
It's hard to be no you,没有你太难
no me没我
(恰好我挺喜欢One less reason的,恰好睡不着,恰好看到了,恰好翻译的很烂,要是觉得合适就采纳了吧.)