
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/02 05:07:40


despite his frail body, he decided to stick to his post
no matter how busy or tired, I will set aside some time to read Every day
His speech to audience left a deep impression on them too hard to forget

Despitehe was frail, he has decided to stick to their posts
Every day no matter how busy or tired, I will set aside some time to read
His speech to the audience so they left a deep impression on them so hard to forget

Dispite his infirmity , he had made up his mind to stick to his posts.
No matter how busy or tired, I will set aside some time to read everyday.
So deep the impression which his speech created on the audience that they can hardly forget it.

Despite his body is weak,he has decided to keep to his post.
No matter how busy and tired i am everyday,i am bound to set aside some time to do reading.
His speaking left such a deep impression on the audiences that they could not forget.

英语翻译尽管他身体虚弱,他已决定坚守岗位(despite)每天不论多忙多累,我一定拨一些时间来进行阅读(set)他的演讲给观众们留下了如此深刻的印象以至于他们难以忘记(impression) 英语翻译:尽管身体不好,他还是坚守自己的岗位(despite) 英语翻译 尽管父母要他成为医生,但他决定从事教书工作.(make up one’s mind) 高中的中译英1.只有信守承诺的人才能赢得他人的信任(word)2.尽管身体不好,他还是坚守自己的岗位(despite)3.只要继续努力,你想上名牌大学的梦想一定能实现(dream)4.他太渴望见到久违 修改病句:尽管天气多么炎热,交通警察总坚守自己的岗位. 修改病句 尽管天气多么热,交警总坚守自己的岗位 尽管天气多么炎热,交通警察总是坚守自己的岗位.修改病句 尽管天气很热,交警叔叔总是坚守岗位修改病句 坚守岗位的名言 英语翻译:尽管汤姆不喜欢数学,但他学得很努力 尽管生病,他还是来参加会议.(英语翻译) 英语翻译尽管交通不畅,他还是设法及时赶到了学校.(in spite of)作出决定前,最好与父母商量一下.(talk) 英语翻译尽管他很有钱,但是他不喜欢有人向他要钱(hate) 关于坚守岗位的名人名言 春节坚守岗位的文章 作文《坚守“岗位”》的提纲 英语翻译1,考试中你越细心,出的错误就越少(the more,the more) 2,尽管我父母已退休,但他像仍像往常一样6:00起床(as usual)他们决定在郊区定居,因为这样他们可以过安静的生活(settle down) 英语翻译:我将代表他做这个决定