有几个题我只有14分了.手工打字 可能有误根据句意和首字母填空的 1 they got married a_____ her wishes.2 we take all our bottles and newspapers for r_____ .3 would now be a s_____ moment to show your photos?4 he gave his seat t

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/28 05:51:03
有几个题我只有14分了.手工打字 可能有误根据句意和首字母填空的 1 they got married a_____ her wishes.2 we take all our bottles and newspapers for r_____ .3 would now be a s_____ moment to show your photos?4 he gave his seat t

有几个题我只有14分了.手工打字 可能有误根据句意和首字母填空的 1 they got married a_____ her wishes.2 we take all our bottles and newspapers for r_____ .3 would now be a s_____ moment to show your photos?4 he gave his seat t
手工打字 可能有误
1 they got married a_____ her wishes.
2 we take all our bottles and newspapers for r_____ .
3 would now be a s_____ moment to show your photos?
4 he gave his seat to the old woman p_____ .
5 be g_____ when you brush the abay's hair
6 the boy sent the girl an e_____ bonquet of flowers
7 that is a p_____ little dog
8 the men were drunk,a_____ and looking for a fight.
9 hurry up,or we won't c_____ the early bus.
10 u_____ cameras are useful in the deep sea.
1.------how heavy is the boy?
---he ______(weight) about 40 pounds.
2 these elephants come from______(African)
3 the first computer ______(invent) in 1946 in America
4 he likes small ______(fur) animals
5 o'neal is much______(strong) than yao ming.
6zoos are like ______(live)textbooks for young people.
7 it's dangerous______(play) foot ball in the street
8those home less children ______(look) after in the SOS village.
9 we are very ______(surprise) at the news
10 mary is good at writing.she will______(possible) be a reporter in the future

有几个题我只有14分了.手工打字 可能有误根据句意和首字母填空的 1 they got married a_____ her wishes.2 we take all our bottles and newspapers for r_____ .3 would now be a s_____ moment to show your photos?4 he gave his seat t
was invented
to play
were being looked

有几个题我只有14分了.手工打字 可能有误根据句意和首字母填空的 1 they got married a_____ her wishes.2 we take all our bottles and newspapers for r_____ .3 would now be a s_____ moment to show your photos?4 he gave his seat t 关于六年级的科技手工小制作.快呀,我真的很急需,答对了有悬赏分的. 有哪些东西是圆柱体?我只有这点分了 2-丁醇怎么转化成1-丁醇?其实我手上有答案,不过只有需要的试剂,虽然1楼打字难看了点,不过已经清楚, 我打字上面明明有答案 拼音打字,有几个读音相同的字,但并不是想找的,我一直用五笔,但是有时别人问我拼音打字,比如用紫光打卢字,只显示路露陆录,别的显示不出来,只有一个箭头,但是点又不出来,我只是想问有没 .有看不清的问我,我给你们打字.有字遮着了问我. 我托福一战82分有没有可能二战100+?我托福一战只有82分,3个月后二战,我想请问有没有可能100+,那是我的目标,我已经制定了详细的复习计划,但是我听说想大幅提高托福成绩很困难~是这样么?还 请帮我,有什么小手工,手工名称,有什么容易的小手工请写上来,写明详细内容, 如果我的数学不是很好,打字也不好,我该怎么办?越多越好啊,重重有分! 中国汉字中只有一笔的字有几个…分别是哪几个… 谁能帮我解这道二元一次方程题今天小卖部赚了11.85元,其中都是10分和25分的硬币.一共有60个硬币.问有几个10分的,有几个25分的硬币. 哪里有EVA手工 太阳与恒星 行星有什么关系?我只有一点分了. 六年级上册语文《只有一个地球》课后作业急课文后面都有几个题目,要《只有一个地球》后面最后一个题.在线等!帮帮忙!回答好的再加10分.不要答案!要题目,语文书忘带了! 我不会用拼音打字,我想学拼音打字,有没有好办法 练打字的文章文章里有中文、英文、数字.我要文章.不要打字软件 手工铜焊我有个铜壶,嘴断了请问用什么焊接好,手工电烙铁怎么焊接,接好能用手摇不掉才好