英语翻译懂英语的来,不懂得请不要乱说,帮我翻译一下ln fact ,I really very fragile,lt's just that I didn't want to show my fragile.I don't really strong,in particular,I need love,need special much more special love!Family is the mo

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/04 00:01:56
英语翻译懂英语的来,不懂得请不要乱说,帮我翻译一下ln fact ,I really very fragile,lt's just that I didn't want to show my fragile.I don't really strong,in particular,I need love,need special much more special love!Family is the mo

英语翻译懂英语的来,不懂得请不要乱说,帮我翻译一下ln fact ,I really very fragile,lt's just that I didn't want to show my fragile.I don't really strong,in particular,I need love,need special much more special love!Family is the mo
懂英语的来,不懂得请不要乱说,帮我翻译一下ln fact ,I really very fragile,lt's just that I didn't want to show my fragile.
I don't really strong,in particular,I need love,need special much more special love!
Family is the most soft part of my heart.l love them,but I must not let them worry about me.I just want to pursue a career on their own!but it turns out it's really hard.how to do it's on the corner of confusion.
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英语翻译懂英语的来,不懂得请不要乱说,帮我翻译一下ln fact ,I really very fragile,lt's just that I didn't want to show my fragile.I don't really strong,in particular,I need love,need special much more special love!Family is the mo

我真的不强壮, 尤其是 我需要爱, 需要特别多的特别的爱
家人是我心中尤其舒服的地方, 我爱他们, 但是我不会让他们为我担心.

英语翻译懂英语的来,不懂得请不要乱说,帮我翻译一下ln fact ,I really very fragile,lt's just that I didn't want to show my fragile.I don't really strong,in particular,I need love,need special much more special love!Family is the mo constant,consistent,continual,contuous的区别请内行进入,不懂得不要乱说. 英语翻译【reading】不知道的不要乱说 请问甲醇与碘与红磷在真空加热下会不会有爆炸啊?请懂的指教一下啊~多谢了,人命关天,不懂得不要乱说啊 英语翻译“我明白了,原来是我不懂得珍惜···”请帮我翻译成英语,不要翻译的太硬了,结合我想表达的意思来翻译-------------------“我明白了,原来是我不懂得珍惜,所以才会失去···” 英语翻译请不知道的不要乱说··谢谢了··知道的帮帮忙 铝铜铁铅到底哪个的密度最大,哪个的密度最小?如果不懂得请不要再乱说,我已经被误导了! 不懂得别乱说,最好懂玉的来说, 英语翻译倾情绽放用英语翻译 或者绚丽绽放 华丽绽放都行 英语怎么说?GORGEOUS BLOOM 还是Gorgeous blossom 请懂的人回答,不懂得就不要用翻译软件翻译了.直译会闹笑话的! 自由在高处,用英语怎么说.不知道请不要乱说, 我的出生和名字适合纹身,懂得进,不懂得希望别乱说,一辈子的事情!我93年11月27日凌晨2点05分!男~高人帮忙算算,不要什么乱纹呢!不然听说邪的要出事呢!懂得来帮忙算算!谢谢高人!20分悬赏!不 英语,两个名词和一个形容词一个名词有什么区别?分不清啊.比如,cultural background 和culture background.精通的人来,不懂得就别乱说了 英语翻译名字;江文凯.不要拼音,懂得来. 如何理解和平共处五项原则具有强大的生命力不知道的请不要乱说 tom hua是不是真的?课程好不好学?不知道或者不了解的请不要乱说, 英语翻译大哥们不知道可不要乱说咋! EMS可以往国外邮寄茶叶么?没寄过的不懂得不要乱说,另外关于EMS打折的问题,北京上哪找折扣低的单位去? 英语翻译不懂的不要乱说,电子翻译不要...