she is interested_____the trip at|in

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/04 03:32:31
she is interested_____the trip at|in

she is interested_____the trip at|in
she is interested_____the trip at|in

she is interested_____the trip at|in
in,因为语法上说是be interested in,是固定搭配,如果你上到八年级下册,请见英语书P66页那个文章最后一句话,祝你学习更上一层楼

in 啊啊啊啊啊

be interested in:对。。感兴趣。这是固定词组

be interested in,固定词组,所以改选in。望采纳 be interested in the trip 对旅游感兴趣

be interested in 对。。感兴趣 固定搭配