他希望能飞到太空.He hopes to ___ ___ into the space .

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/04 12:46:03
他希望能飞到太空.He hopes to ___ ___ into the space .

他希望能飞到太空.He hopes to ___ ___ into the space .
他希望能飞到太空.He hopes to ___ ___ into the space .

他希望能飞到太空.He hopes to ___ ___ into the space .
他希望能飞到太空.He hopes to _go __ _fly__ into the space .

他希望能飞到太空.He hopes to ___ ___ into the space . He hopes she will marry him He hopes she will marry him 是说他希望她“愿意”嫁给他,还是“能”嫁给他呢 after doing sth 还是 after doing sth?他希望毕业后找到工作He hopes to find a job after gradute还是after graduting?为什么? He hopes he will be successful this time.(他希望他这次能够成功.)successful为什么不能换成success 比尔希望给他带来好运,英语怎么说?Bill hopes to ________________.空格处填什么? 1.He is 1___ than 165 cm tall.2.他在信里附上了什么?what did he ___ ___ in his letter?3.他希望我尽快给他写信.He hopes ____ ____ ____ to him soon.4.我想与玛利叫朋友.I'd like to ___ ___ ___ Mary. 英语改错 “He hopes his son to go to college.” 他希望有一个靠海边的家,梦想能天天听见大海的声音 he hopes _______________________and dreams of______________________英语翻译 he hopes to pass the exam同义句 he hopes to find what()(happen)in a hundred years 初二英语,翻译题三道,谢谢.急要.句子翻译.1.如果我有很多钱,我会接受一个很好的教育的.If I have ( ) ( ) money,I ( ) ( ) a good education2.高中毕业后他希望去一所好的大学.He hopes to go He hopes that he can go to college when he grows up (同义句)He hopes ____ _____ college when he grows upHe hopes ________ college when he grows up (横线是一条。MS随便填多少词) 英语翻译句子:他奶奶希望自己能活到100岁,这句话有以下几个翻译希望各位英语大神鉴定一下(1)His grandmother hopes to live to be 100 years old(2) His grandmother hopes herself can live to be 100 years old 不知 He is going to be an actor.He hopes everyone will like his m_____. He hopes he can have more e___ like this to raise money for charities. 根据首字母填写单词、He hopes to enter Tsinghua U—— and major in English.He hopes to enter Tsinghua (U )and major in English. 1.Nobody but Jane and Tom ___who he is.A.know B.knows2.--What's the matter with Yoshi?--She failed in the exam,but she still _______.A.hopes so B.hopes it C.hopes to D.hopes that he hopes to enter the medical p_______ to be a doctorp什么