
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/30 00:12:26


Good afternoon,ladies and gentlemen,distinguished guests and honorable judges:
I’m xxxfrom E810.It is my great honour to share my viewpoints on Culture Smart or Science Intelligent with you.
This question resemble Mother or Fanther,who do you like better.Most of us will chose mother,when we were young,we always song Mum Is The Best In The World told us.
Here I wnna make an analogy,Let’s likened Culture Smart to Mother,likened Science Intelligent to father.
Formerly,as is the nature’s call:we like mother for almost five thousand years,she gives us the most long-standing history of civilization in the world.It is no exaggeration to say that the culture of our country is the most brilliant in the world.as it turned out,we have a great distance between our father Science Intelligent.Therefore he give us only the four great inventions of ancient China,which included powder ,compass,papaermaking,and printing,moreover,we didn’t make full use of it,
On the contrary,our brother western countries are fond of father Science Intelligent obviously,Because father gives them many technology which helped them become developed country.
Meanwhile we are always proud of our culture,For example,our abundant cultural deposits which made our civilization like a shining star in the darkness.When people mentioned about the human civilization,we have to refer to our China,because Chinese culture is the most historical and brilliant culture in the world.
But,by the way our technology has get far behind the western countries.
Unfortunately,one day,They attacked us with our own invention powder .our father sent his sons western countries to give us a good beating,because if we fall behind,we will be punished by those who are one-up.we do nothing about it,because what we have is just culture,rather than defence of hign technology.
Evidently ,god is fair,God closed a door and will open another window for you.
Here I wanna share a story that my history teacher told me.Once upon a time,There was a couple,they had two children ,the elder brother liked reading,he could acquire much knowledge from books in his study ,the younger brother was a behaviourist,no matter what kinds of problems in front of him,he will take action to solve it,all he believed was that the practice is the sole criterion for testing truth.So he made a plan to travel around the world,Decades years past,they both became adults ,the elder brother had become a teacher at his hometown (at the local) ,He tought Confucian culture for many children.He imparted knowledge and culture to people,However,his younger brother came back home with many manual skills,for example he learned how to make gizmos,such as windmill which helped the local farmers in Irrigating crop fields,and the round wheels which made transportation more convenient and so on.
All right,Let's keep on track.Culture Smart or Science Intelligent like these two brothers,who is better?The answer is both are good,They are as close as two siblings,two brother can never be divided,