英语翻译:自古忠孝两难全 (最好不要太生硬)

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/29 00:11:21
英语翻译:自古忠孝两难全 (最好不要太生硬)

英语翻译:自古忠孝两难全 (最好不要太生硬)
英语翻译:自古忠孝两难全 (最好不要太生硬)

英语翻译:自古忠孝两难全 (最好不要太生硬)
1.it has been said that loyalty and filial piety can not exist at same time.
2.it has been said loyalty is enemy of filial piety(就像人们说行为与思考不能并存或行为是思考的敌人:action is enemy of thoughts)

the duty of a person to its parents is almost different from the a person to its king.

Historically, it's hard to attain both loyalty and filial piety.
鱼和熊掌不可兼得: You can`t have your cake and eat it.