我要面试奥运会门票销售员要英语口试 所以小弟想请各位高人帮个忙写一篇英语口试短文请注上中文翻译 小弟在这谢过了 急用!

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/02 00:54:49
我要面试奥运会门票销售员要英语口试 所以小弟想请各位高人帮个忙写一篇英语口试短文请注上中文翻译 小弟在这谢过了 急用!

我要面试奥运会门票销售员要英语口试 所以小弟想请各位高人帮个忙写一篇英语口试短文请注上中文翻译 小弟在这谢过了 急用!
我要面试奥运会门票销售员要英语口试 所以小弟想请各位高人帮个忙写一篇英语口试短文
请注上中文翻译 小弟在这谢过了 急用!

我要面试奥运会门票销售员要英语口试 所以小弟想请各位高人帮个忙写一篇英语口试短文请注上中文翻译 小弟在这谢过了 急用!
How to get your Olympic tickets?
(China Daily)
Updated:2007-04-20 11:30
How many ways can I book my tickets?
BOCOG:People can book their tickets online through BOCOG's official ticketing website (www.tickets.beijing2008.cn) or fill out a printed order form.
The form can be found at any domestic Bank of China branch.It can also be downloaded from the official website or cut out from local newspapers.
When should I submit my order?
For the first stage of ticketing you can submit your order at any time between April 14 and June 30,2007,as it will make no difference to the outcome.
Can I cancel the order?
You cannot cancel or change the order once it has been submitted.Please check the competition schedule,venues and ticket prices and make sure you have filled out the form correctly before applying.
When will I know the tickets are mine?
After BOCOG awards the tickets through a lottery it will inform the successful applicants by sending them a letter,email or text message.When the payment is settled,a confirmation letter will be sent out.From November 2007,the results will be posted on the official website.
Can my friends and I get seats next to each other at the same event?
While we will try to seat groups together,we cannot guarantee this will be possible.
How can I confirm my seat number and position?
Since most of the venues are still under construction,we cannot provide detailed seating arrangements yet.The seat numbers will be on the tickets.
If I change my address or telephone number,do I have to inform BOCOG?
Yes.To ensure you receive any information in a timely fashion you should contact BOCOG via the website or by calling the service center to update your details.
Can I use my Visa card or bank account to buy tickets for other people?
No.The name of the account holder must correspond with whoever is claiming the ticket(s).
Which events will see the highest demand?
Based on previous Games and local interest from the Chinese people as barometers,demand is expected to be high for events like swimming,diving,track and field,basketball,badminton and table tennis.
If an individual successfully books tickets during the first stage,can he or she book more tickets for the same event at later stages?
Yes.There are different buying restrictions for each stage of ticketing.As long as there are tickets to spare,more can be purchased later,although supply will obviously thin out.
How will the tickets be allocated for oversubscribed events?
A computer-operated draw will determine who gets what.Each order will be given a number,and the system will randomly select numbers.
As ticket prices for the opening and closing ceremonies are staggered into five levels,will I have a better chance by opting for a cheaper or more expensive ticket?
You stand a better chance by going for a higher-priced ticket.The drawing system will then automatically degrade your order to a lower price level if it hasn't been picked - giving you more chances to be successful.
Are any of the tickets reserved for people with disabilities?
There are seats for people with disabilities at all the Olympic venues,including those offering wheelchair access.People should indicate whether they want one of these seats when placing their orders.
If some of these special tickets are not sold,will they be offered to the general public?
No.They will be awarded to those accompanying the people with disabilities.
How will BOCOG protect people's personal information,bearing in mind that applicants have to leave their credit card or bank information on the order form?
We have worked hard to ensure security by encrypting the sales system.When the payment information is displayed,only a fewof the numbers will appear.
How will BOCOG use all of this personal information,including photos?
BOCOG will protect people's privacy in accordance with the law,only using their personal information to identify spectators.All the information in any format will be deleted and destroyed after the conclusion of the Games.
Can the tickets be transferred or refunded?
According to common practice,tickets can only be refunded if an event is canceled in advance.
In most cases,refunds are not allowed,but tickets can be transferred provided BOCOG gives its consent in advance.
Tickets for the opening and closing ceremonies can be transferred once,but only by the original buyers.
Other events require BOCOG's consent.
As only one person is allowed to buy one ticket for the opening ceremony,what happens when complications arise,for example involving children who can't go to the event by themselves?
The opening ceremony will see the highest demand so we are imposing ticket restrictions to ensure the largest number of people get the opportunity to see it.
When the Games get under way,BOCOG will run special services at different venues for people with special requirements.
For those who have a ticket but cannot attend the event,we will help them transfer their ticket.

我要面试奥运会门票销售员要英语口试 所以小弟想请各位高人帮个忙写一篇英语口试短文请注上中文翻译 小弟在这谢过了 急用! 奥运会的门票用英语怎么说 英语口试要带什么 面试时,(英语)我要去一家公司面试他们要英语面试请问他们可能会问哪些问题? 南开大学小语种自主招生英语面试口试的问题都有什么,要具体的,如题:最好有考过的同学帮帮,急. 英语一般,马上要去面试外企,我该怎么准备这个英语面试啊? 外企,英语面试很难,我知道~所以有点怕 我要面试一个外企财务专员,要一个英语自我介绍和面试回答等, 帮我用英语简单介绍一下衡阳英语口试要用 酒店英语面试的提问明天要去一个五星酒店面试.我知道肯定会是英语面试的.所以我有几个问题需要会英语朋友们帮忙解答一下!要用英语回答哦!1你最大的优点和缺点.(随便写)2为什么 我要面试!所以需要一份简单的英语自我介绍!我要参加大学的面试 所以需要一份简单的英语自我介绍 请英语达人帮助我翻译下面句子 我的名字是XX 我今年19岁 我来自XX 家庭成员有爸爸妈妈 奥运会英语作文(要翻译) How do you improve your English writing?英语口试,回答是口试,要用英语回答 哪些外企要用英语面试?因为现在考虑是否需要花时间好好补一下英语口语?所以想知道有多少公司英文面试?老板可能是外国人,但面试官很有可能是中国人,也需要英文面试吗? 我要关于面试的英语小对话,急求? 我要去一个公司面试,但要求用英语面试,我英语不好,求大神帮助... 帮忙写一封英语自我介绍(自主招生考试面试)我要参加上外(SISU)的自主招生口试考试,希望高人能帮我写一封信主题是:为什么我想报考上外内容包括如下:1 我是一个从小对英语和外国 大学自主招生中的英语面试英语面试,肯定要准备一篇自我介绍所以,我想问问怎么来写它会更好些最好再附一篇范文