请帮我讲一下现在分词过去分词和不定式的使用区别1.—— very sorry for himself,Tony sat there with his head buried in his hands.A.To feel B.Having felt C.Feeling D.Felt C2.—— of the city life,John dreams of getting back to c

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/02 23:44:20
请帮我讲一下现在分词过去分词和不定式的使用区别1.—— very sorry for himself,Tony sat there with his head buried in his hands.A.To feel B.Having felt C.Feeling D.Felt C2.—— of the city life,John dreams of getting back to c

请帮我讲一下现在分词过去分词和不定式的使用区别1.—— very sorry for himself,Tony sat there with his head buried in his hands.A.To feel B.Having felt C.Feeling D.Felt C2.—— of the city life,John dreams of getting back to c
1.—— very sorry for himself,Tony sat there with his head buried in his hands.
A.To feel B.Having felt C.Feeling D.Felt C
2.—— of the city life,John dreams of getting back to countryside.
A.Tiring B.Tired B
3.Neil Armstrong was the first man —— on the moon in July,1969.
A.landing B.landed C.to land D.lands C
4.My parents and I —— Beijing at this time tomorrow.
A.will visit B.visit C.am visiting D.will be visit D
5.Eating fruits and vegetables can help us get —— from heart disease.
A.protected B.to protect C.protecting D.to be protected A
6.—— to win a gole medal in the coming Olympics Games.Tony has been training hard every day in the last two years.
A.Determined B.To determine C.Be determined D.Be determining A
7.With so many people —— at her,the little girl felt nervous on the stage.
A.looking B.to lood C.looked D.having looked A
8.—— about the student,Mr.Liu called his parents to find out why he didn't go to school this afternoon.
A.Concerning B.To concern C.Concerned D.Having concerned C
9.—— his theory on many calculations,Nicolaus believed the sun was the center of the universe.
A.Based B.Basing C.To be based D.Being based B
10.All those —— about the people in the earthquake-hit area should be thanked.
A.concerned B.are concerned C.who concerned D.concerning A

请帮我讲一下现在分词过去分词和不定式的使用区别1.—— very sorry for himself,Tony sat there with his head buried in his hands.A.To feel B.Having felt C.Feeling D.Felt C2.—— of the city life,John dreams of getting back to c
现在分词、过去分词、不定式这三种同属于非谓语动词,意思是不能做谓语的动词.作谓语的动词都有完整的形式,比如自身变化的一般时态(一般现在时、一般现在时、一般将来时),以have+过去分词进行变化的完成时态(比如现在完成时:have done,过去完成时:had done,将来完成时:will have done)和以be + 现在分词进行变化的进行时态(如现在进行时:be doing,过去进行时:was/were doing,将来进行时:will be doing).更复杂的形式都是在这个基础上变化的.



—— very sorry for himself,Tony sat there with his head buried in his hands.

A.To feel B.Having felt C.Feeling D.Felt      C

本句意思是“感觉到难过.”,这个感觉可以理解成原因,“因为感觉难过.”,也可以理解成伴随“当时觉得难过.”.to feel表示去感觉,还没有发生.having felt表示感觉的动作发生完之后再有Sat动作.feeling可以解释为上面对句子的分析中的意思,即表示原因或者伴随.与felt的区别在于,feeling表示feel这个动作的主语是句子的主语Tony主动发出的,而felt表示动作是由Tony被动接受的.因此选C.
2.—— of the city life,John dreams of getting back to countryside.

A.Tiring B.Tired     B

这里可以简单的理解为be tired of固定短语.如果一定从分词意味解释,可以理解为tired是因为外在事物而使主语“被”厌烦了,tiring则是主语主动发出动作使别人厌烦了.

 3.Neil Armstrong was the first man —— on the moon in July,1969.

A.landing B.landed C.to land D.lands     C

be the first to do sth.作为干什么的第一个或者第几个.可以理解为固定的结构.

4.My parents and I —— Beijing at this time tomorrow.

A.will visit B.visit C.am visiting D.will be visit      D

这个答案D 应该是will be visiting.考查将来进行时态的用法.主要看时间状语tomorrow表示将来时间,at this time表示在这个时间正在发生什么.因此结合一起成为将来(will)进行时 (be doing).

5.Eating fruits and vegetables can help us get —— from heart disease.

A.protected B.to protect C.protecting D.to be protected      A

这个是被动形式.get相当于be,get protected被保护.

  6.—— to win a gole medal in the coming Olympics Games.Tony has been training hard every day in the last two years.

A.Determined B.To determine C.Be determined D.Be determining     A

这个也是可以理解为固定短语be determined to do sth.做状语的时候be省略了.

7.With so many people —— at her,the little girl felt nervous on the stage.
A.looking B.to lood C.looked D.having looked     A


8.—— about the student,Mr.Liu called his parents to find out why he didn't go to school this afternoon.

A.Concerning B.To concern C.Concerned D.Having concerned     C

be concerned about固定短语,“关心.”

9.—— his theory on many calculations,Nicolaus believed the sun was the center of the universe.

A.Based B.Basing C.To be based D.Being based       B

这里要看base动作的主语,要很小心,因为这里实际上是Nicolas 这个人base 理论 on 许多计算上面.因此base是主动发生,用basing. 通常我们习惯说based on...,注意base后面是没有再说theory了.

10.All those —— about the people in the earthquake-hit area should be thanked.
A.concerned B.are concerned C.who concerned D.concerning     A

be concerned about固定短语.这里没有be,因为是非谓语的位置.谓语在后面should be thanked.

过去分词现在分词不定式用法区别,讲主要的~ 说一下过去分词,现在分词和不定式的区别太基础的就不要讲了 请帮我讲一下现在分词过去分词和不定式的使用区别1.—— very sorry for himself,Tony sat there with his head buried in his hands.A.To feel B.Having felt C.Feeling D.Felt C2.—— of the city life,John dreams of getting back to c 不定式.现在分词与过去分词作定语的区别 不定式、过去分词、现在分词做宾补的句子 英语中不定式,过去分词,现在分词的区别 我想知道动名词,动词不定式,现在分词和过去分词的时态和语态? 现在分词和过去分词的用法 现在分词和过去分词的区别`` do的现在分词和过去分词 什么时候用动词的不定式,现在分词,过去分词,和动名词呢 不定式和现在分词做表语的区别,顺便问一下,不定式和现在分词做主语的区别 非限定动词的用法与区分请高手帮我解决(不定式、动名词、现在分词、过去分词)的用法,在句子类似于选择题中,如何判断用这些非限定动词 with+宾语+现在分词/过去分词/不定式我对这几种结构还比较模糊 ,请尽量详细点回答 分词现在分词都能做什么成分?过去分词呢?是否只有记住现在分词表进行和主动,过去分词表完成和被动,不定式表将来 就可以做所有这样的题?请详细回答. ride的过去分词过去和现在分词 可以作后置定语的除了 现在分词 过去分词 不定式 还有什么? 请详细解答下 谢谢!RT 形容词后跟分词我在字典里看到the的解释中有一个:[用于形容词、分词前指一类人]:old and young老年和青年这个只the+形容词,请帮我举出the+分词的例子,(分词包括过去分词和现在分词)