1·在通常情况下,NO2和SO2很容易发生反应,生成NO和SO3,该反应为不可逆反应.现将NO和SO2的混合气体通入容积为100mL的容器中,充满后,用带有导管的塞子密封.(1)向容器中通入氧气的体积V在( )

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/02 09:02:15

1·在通常情况下,NO2和SO2很容易发生反应,生成NO和SO3,该反应为不可逆反应.现将NO和SO2的混合气体通入容积为100mL的容器中,充满后,用带有导管的塞子密封.(1)向容器中通入氧气的体积V在( )
(1)向容器中通入氧气的体积V在( )数值范围内才能保持容器内的压强不变.
(2)要使容器内只含有NO2和SO3两种气体,必须通入氧气( )mL.
(3)若向容器内通入氧气40mL后才开始出现红棕色,且不褪色.原混合气体中NO2的体积为( )mL
2·(1)在含有铜离子的酶的活化中心中,亚硝酸跟离子可以转化为NO,写出铜离子和亚硝酸跟离子在酸性水溶液中反应的离子方程式是:( )
(2)在常温下,把NO气体压缩到100个大气压,在一个体积固定的容器里加热到50摄氏度,发现气体的压强迅速下降,压强降止略小于原压强2/3时就不再改变,已知其中一种产物为N2O,写出上述变化的化学方程式( )

1·在通常情况下,NO2和SO2很容易发生反应,生成NO和SO3,该反应为不可逆反应.现将NO和SO2的混合气体通入容积为100mL的容器中,充满后,用带有导管的塞子密封.(1)向容器中通入氧气的体积V在( )
因2NO+O2=2NO2 NO2+SO2=NO+SO3 有方程总式2SO2+O2=2SO3(NO作催化剂)
3NO=N2O+NO2 (条件略)(我的思考过程是:NO反应后生成N2O,化合价降一,为满足题目中三分之二这一要求,只有使化合价升高二才有可能满足(说白了就是凑出3来))

(2)V(O2)=40 mL,由③知,V(SO2)=80 mL,V(NO)=100 mL-80 mL=20 mL。


(2)V(O2)=40 mL,由③知,V(SO2)=80 mL,V(NO)=100 mL-80 mL=20 mL。
(3)由③知,与SO2反应的O2体积为×80 mL=40 mL,由①知,与NO反应的O2的体积为×20 mL=10 mL,故V(O2)=40 mL+10 mL=50 mL。


life, some combinations of food is already a long time, and its wonderful flavors have also been accepted by the people, habits also feel that these kinds of mix is a matter of course. But from the pe...


life, some combinations of food is already a long time, and its wonderful flavors have also been accepted by the people, habits also feel that these kinds of mix is a matter of course. But from the perspective of health, or scientific, health experts, but people have a good reason to it. Here you list 12 of these are health experts as the wrong dishes. However, do not eat, there is something really not good,ladies plus size dresses, I want to eat less so it might not be a problem. If you attach great importance to health, or listen to the advice of the experts, do not always eat silly, greedy.

(1) potatoes roast beef: As the potatoes and beef are digested in the stomach acid required different concentrations, is bound to extend the residence time of food in the stomach, causing gastrointestinal digestion and absorption time, over time, will inevitably lead to gastrointestinal dysfunction.

2) green onion tofu: tofu and green onions in calcium of oxalic acid, will be combined into a white precipitate ---- calcium oxalate, causing the same difficulties in the body to absorb calcium.

(3) soy milk red eggs:
eggs mucus proteins with trypsin in the combination of milk, and thus lose the nutritional value of the two should be.

(4) tea boiled eggs:
; tea, in addition to alkaloids, there are acidic substances, these compounds combine with the iron in eggs, a stimulating effect on the stomach, and not conducive to digestion and absorption.

(5) MSG scrambled eggs: eggs itself contains many of the same composition of glutamate monosodium glutamate, MSG when it scrambled eggs, not only can not increase the flavor, but also disrupts the natural flavor and cover eggs.
(6) red and white radish mixed with food:
; white radish in the high content of vitamin c, but it contains a carrot in the enzyme called ascorbic acid, it will destroy the white radish in the vitamin c. Once the red and white radish with white radish in the vitamin c will be lost. Moreover, vitamin c with cooking with vegetables, carrots are served as a spoiler role. There are cucumber, pumpkin, also contains a similar enzyme carrot.

(7) to eat fruit, carrot:
recent years, scientists have found that radish and other cruciferous vegetables into the human body, the metabolism of anti-thyroid will soon produce a substance ----- thiocyanate. The substance produced is proportional to the number and intake. At this point, if the intake of fruit containing large amounts of plant pigments, such as oranges, pears, apples, grapes, these fruits of flavonoids in the intestine by bacteria and transformed into a hydroxy acid and ferulic acid, which can enhance sulfur Cyanate inhibition of thyroid function, and induce or cause goiter.

(8) with fresh seafood and fruit:
fish in the seafood , shrimp, algae, rich in protein and calcium, nutrients, and if the fruit contains tannin and with the food will not only reduce the nutritive value of protein and easy to make seafood in calcium and tannin combined into a new kind of difficult to digest the material, this material will stimulate the stomach and cause discomfort, people there stomach pain, vomiting, nausea and other symptoms. More fruit and tannin with a persimmon, grape, pomegranate, hawthorn, fruit and so on. Therefore, the fruit should not be consumed with seafood dishes at the same time to two hours is appropriate intervals.

(9) with fresh milk and orange:
oranges just drinking milk, milk protein will be first with the Orange in the acid and vitamin c meet and solidified into blocks,ladies plus size clothes, affecting digestion and absorption, but also makes abdominal distention, abdominal pain, diarrhea.

10) wine and carrots with water:
Recently, the U.S. food experts warned that: wine and carrots with food is very dangerous. Experts point out that because β-carotene-rich carrots along with the alcohol into the body, they produce toxins in the liver, causing liver disease. Especially after drinking carrot juice, do not immediately go to drink.

(11) white wine and soft drinks with the drink:
because the liquor, soft drinks will soon make the same drink alcohol in the body of volatile and produce large amounts of carbon dioxide, the stomach, intestines, liver, kidneys and other organs of serious harm, but also for cardiovascular and cerebrovascular damage.

(12) when meat tea:
Some people eat meat, seafood and other high-protein food, tea soon, that will help digestion. As everyone knows, a large number of tannic acid in tea combined with protein, will generate a convergence of tannic acid protein, making bowel movements slow down, thus prolonging the retention of feces in the intestines of time. Constipation is easy to form, but also increase the toxic and carcinogenic substances are absorbed by the body possibilities.


1·在通常情况下,NO2和SO2很容易发生反应,生成NO和SO3,该反应为不可逆反应.现将NO和SO2的混合气体通入容积为100mL的容器中,充满后,用带有导管的塞子密封.(1)向容器中通入氧气的体积V在( ) 填空题 - (117页,1)通常情况下,SO2是一种【 】色、【 】味、【 】毒的【 】,它溶于水后生成【 】.在相同条件下,生成的【 】又容易分解为【 】和【 】,这样的反应叫做【 】. 关于初三科学酸、碱、盐的问题NO和NO2具有下列不同的性质:①通常情况下,NO是无色气体,微溶于水;NO2是棕色气体,易溶于水;②3NO2+H2O====2HNO3+NO.将一支充满NO2的试管倒立在烧杯中(水中已预 看不懂答案的解析.它用了勒夏特列原理?将1 mol CO和1 mol NO2充入密闭容器中,在催化剂存在下发生反应NO2(g)+CO(g) CO2(g)+NO(g)并达到化学平衡,发现有50%的CO转化为CO2.在其他条件不变的情况下,若 22.在373K时,密闭容器中冲入一定物质的量的NO2和SO2,发生如下反应:NO2+SO2 NO+SO3,当反应达平衡时,下22.在373K时,密闭容器中冲入一定物质的量的NO2和SO2,发生如下反应:NO2+SO2 NO+SO3,当反应达平衡时 在373K时,密闭容器中冲入一定物质的量的NO2和SO2,发生如下反应:NO2+SO2 NO+SO3,当反应达平衡时:22.在373K时,密闭容器中冲入一定物质的量的NO2和SO2,发生如下反应:NO2+SO2 NO+SO3,当反应达平衡时,下 2道化学计算题1:反应SO2(g)+ NO2(g) SO3(g)+NO(g) ,若在一定温度下,将物质的量浓度均为2mol/L的SO2(g)和NO2(g)注入一密闭容器中,当达到平衡状态时,测得容器中SO2(g) 的转化率为50%,试求:在该温度下.(1 通常情况下,NO是无色气体,微溶于水;NO2是棕色气体,易溶于水.②3NO2NO和NO2具有下列不同的化学性质:①通常情况下,NO是无色气体,微溶于水;NO2是棕色气体,易溶于水.②3NO2 + H2O = 2HNO3 + NO将一支充 高一化学氧族练习1、下列各组气体中,在通常情况下不能大量共存且有黄色物质生成的是(A)SO2、H2S、Cl2 (B)O2、N2、SO2 (C)CO2、SO2、OH- (D)HBr、H2、Cl22、将等物质的量的H2S、SO2、SO3依 静寂通常在什么情况下用到? NO2+NH3反应条件二氧化氮和氨气在标准情况下反应吗? NO和NO2具有下列不同的化学性质 一道化学题NO和NO2具有下列不同的化学性质:①通常情况下,NO是无色气体,微溶于水;NO2是棕色气体,易溶于水.②3NO2+H2O=2HNO3+NO.将一支充满NO2棕色气体的试管 一氧化氮和二氧化氮具有下列不同的性质:(1)通常情况下,一氧化氮是无色气体,微溶于水;二氧化氮是棕色气体易溶于水;(2)3NO2+H2O===2HNO3+NO将一支充满二氧化氮棕色气体的试管倒立在 一氧化氮和二氧化氮具有下列不同的性质:(1)通常情况下,一氧化氮是无色气体,微溶于水;二氧化氮是棕色气体易溶于水;(2)3NO2+H2O===2HNO3+NO将一支充满二氧化氮棕色气体的试管倒立在 SO2和SO3在各种情况下的状态,熔沸点和应注意的问题 在那种情况下,人们通常使用分数?在那种情况下,人们通常使用百分数? 在不消耗其他物质的情况下,将尾气中的CO、NO转化为参与大气循环的无毒混合气体.试推测,该无毒混合气体A.N2和CO2 B.CO2和NO2 C.CO2和O2 D.CO2和SO2分析下为什么... N2和02在高温下或放电情况下为什么只生成NO不生成NO2