3个关于美国历史的问题(需要用英语回答)高分!1.Describe the major success of and failures of Reconstruction.Evaluate the long-term results of Reconstruction for all Americans.Examine Presidential vs.Congressional Reconstruction.What

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/02 15:14:51

3个关于美国历史的问题(需要用英语回答)高分!1.Describe the major success of and failures of Reconstruction.Evaluate the long-term results of Reconstruction for all Americans.Examine Presidential vs.Congressional Reconstruction.What
1.Describe the major success of and failures of Reconstruction.Evaluate the long-term results of Reconstruction for all Americans.Examine Presidential vs.Congressional Reconstruction.What were the differences and similarities?
2.Describe the growth of Big Business in America during the late 19th century,making sure to distinguish among combination,consolidation,and vertical and horizontal growth.How did Americans respond to this growth?How did government respond to American's fear of corporate greed?
3.Why were railroads "America's first big business?" How did they help to foster a "managerial revolution?" Discuss the ways in which the development of the railroads stimulated the economy of late nineteenth-century America.

3个关于美国历史的问题(需要用英语回答)高分!1.Describe the major success of and failures of Reconstruction.Evaluate the long-term results of Reconstruction for all Americans.Examine Presidential vs.Congressional Reconstruction.What
2.from the end of the civil war until the turn of the twentieth century,the industry grew at a fantastic rate,becoming America's first "big business." Although the railroad expanded the possibilities for agricultural sales,it did so at a price.Future conflicts between industry and agriculture were foreshadowed when,during the economic depression of the 1870s,a farmers' group called the Grange protested the high rates charged by railroad "middlemen" to ship their goods.The case went to the Supreme Court.Its decision of 1877,Munn v Illinois,gave states the power to regulate business with a strong public aspect like that of the railroads.National (long haul) rates remained unregulated,however,leaving the industry open for control by businesses of national stature.
to construct and consolidate ,companies needed capital from investment bankers.
vertical integration:bringing together a wide range of business activities under one organization.
the americans got so much convenience from such business and it took a new organization of business on a greater scale to support the growth.while at the same time ,the competing companies fought rate wars to lure customers and bankruptcy followed for many.railroad's profit margins ,coupled with their workers' unable and dangerous working
conditions,created the first railroad strike.this situation resulted the creation of unions such as the Knights of Labor and the American Federation of Labor.
3、Railroads were the first big business,the first magnet for great financial markets,and the first industry to develop a large-scale management bureaucracy.Railroads were used for just about anything and everything,such as the transportation of people,animals,goods,etc.It made trade and travel between the states much easier (this became easier again with the introduction of the interstate in the 1950s).The ease of these things stimulated the economy.By the beginning of the civil war,30.000 miles of track hade been laid across the country.railroads playes an important strategic role in the conflict,as a means of transportation,delivering crucial supplies and troops.During the 19century,the industry grew at a fantastic rate.

3个关于美国历史的问题(需要用英语回答)高分!1.Describe the major success of and failures of Reconstruction.Evaluate the long-term results of Reconstruction for all Americans.Examine Presidential vs.Congressional Reconstruction.What 3个关于美国历史的问题(需要用英语回答)1.Summarize the effects of WWII on the lives of women and minorities.Citing examples compare what women and minorities gained from the war with what they lost.2.Summarize the key trends and even 2个关于美国历史的问题(需要用英语回答)~80分!1.What were Jefferson's policies that divided his party?Why did some Republicans oppose each of these policies?Why did this party's divisions worsen over time?2.Discuss the major differ 用英语编一篇关于面试的对话,需要面试官问10个问题,并回答出来 [美国历史问题]what was the Townshend Crisis?(请用英语回答) 我需要回答他的问题(用英语怎么说)6个空 再哪找用英语写的关于美国乡村音乐的发展历史 求一篇关于美国历史的英语作文 美国历史书籍关于美国历史的书籍 回答3个问题初二英语. 埃菲尔铁塔用英语怎么说?还有个问题:五千年的历史 怎么说,用英语 请用英语介绍下美国乡村音乐的历史 Common 貌似是关于美国历史的'^ 准备去美国英语需要学到什么程度?曾经年代的问题,我的英语非常烂,基础为O,只知道26个英语字母. 用纯英语回答问题需要经过百度验证吗?我发觉用纯英文回答问题需要经过百度的验证,而不是立即就能看到自己回答的问题.有谁知道是怎么回事的吗?很奇怪,我回答了个问题,居然要求验证 关于美国工农业的问题 关于英语句子的问题,请真正会英语的来!According to the percentages in the char,it can be seen that.这句话的第一个the需要吗?给个非常肯定的回答, 急求关于美国历史的英语作文 长一点的 最好是原创的