几个近义词的区别以下面这个题为例说明一下吧,不过似乎A也有“消散”的意思.这两个单词在这种意思下该怎么区分呢?The rainbow ___ as the sun came fully out from behind the clouds.A.dissipated B.removed C.dis

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/02 10:37:29

几个近义词的区别以下面这个题为例说明一下吧,不过似乎A也有“消散”的意思.这两个单词在这种意思下该怎么区分呢?The rainbow ___ as the sun came fully out from behind the clouds.A.dissipated B.removed C.dis
The rainbow ___ as the sun came fully out from behind the clouds.
A.dissipated B.removed C.dispersed D.dissolved
/ ˈdɪsɪpeɪt; ˋdɪsəˏpet/ v
[I,Tn] (cause sth to) scatter or vanish (使某事物)消散,消失:The mist quickly dissipated as the sun rose.太阳升起时雾很快就消散了.* Her son's letter dissipated all her fears and anxiety.她儿子的来信消除了她一切恐惧和焦虑.
[Tn] waste (time,money,etc) foolishly 浪费(时间、 金钱等):dissipate one's efforts,energies,fortune 浪费自己的精力、 体力、 财产.
> dissipated adj (derog 贬) given to foolish and harmful pleasures 放荡的; 浪荡的:lead a thoroughly dissipated life 过极为放荡的生活.
dissipation / ˏdɪsɪˈpeɪʃn; ˏdɪsəˋpeʃən/ n [U]
1 dissipating or being dissipated 驱散; 消散; 浪费.
2 dissipated living 放荡的生活:Years of dissipation had ruined his health.多年的放荡生活毁掉了他的健康.
/ dɪˈzɔlv; dɪˋzɑlv/ v
(a) [Tn] (of a liquid) make (a solid) become liquid (指液体)使(固体)溶解:Water dissolves salt.水能溶解盐.(b) [I,Ipr] (in sth) (of a solid) become part of a liquid (指固体)溶解:Salt dissolves in water.盐在水中溶解.(c) [Tn,Tn.pr] sth (in sth) cause (a solid) to dissolve 使(固体)溶解:Dissolve the salt in water.使盐在水中溶解.
[Tn,Tn.p] sth (away) remove or destroy (sth solid,esp dirt) 除去,消除(某固体物质,尤指脏物):The cream dissolves facial hair.这种化妆品能清除脸上的汗毛.* a powder that dissolves stains away 消除色斑的粉剂.
[I,Ipr] (in sth) disappear; fade away 消失; 消散:All his hopes dissolved at the terrible news.那个极坏的消息使他的一切希望都破灭了.* The view dissolved in mist.那景色在雾中消失了.
[I,Tn] (cause sth to) come to an end (使某事物)终止,结束,解除,解散:Parliament dissolves tomorrow.议会定於明日解散.* dissolve a business partnership,marriage,society,etc 结束商业合伙关系、 解除婚姻关系、 解散会社.
[Ipr] in sth give way to emotion 情不自禁:dissolve in tears/laughter/giggles 不禁潸然泪下[哈哈大笑/咯咯地笑].

几个近义词的区别以下面这个题为例说明一下吧,不过似乎A也有“消散”的意思.这两个单词在这种意思下该怎么区分呢?The rainbow ___ as the sun came fully out from behind the clouds.A.dissipated B.removed C.dis





几个近义词的区别以下面这个题为例说明一下吧,不过似乎A也有“消散”的意思.这两个单词在这种意思下该怎么区分呢?The rainbow ___ as the sun came fully out from behind the clouds.A.dissipated B.removed C.dis with 的复合结构,现在分词 和过去分词做宾补的区别.以下面的题为例 He __ on the bench,with his hed down and his eye__ on the ground.A.was seated; fixing B.was seates;fixed C.seated;fixing D.seating;fixed请说明选什么,为 怎样判断数列有几个项?一个数列中有几个项怎么判断呢,请以下面两个例题为例, quickly、soon、fast和quick的区别例题:Remember to email-me.All of us hope to hear from you______.A.quickly B.soon C.fast D.quick 以这道题为例,帮我区分一下这几个词吧, 电阻的星型连结与三角形联结的等效变换,书上说对应端电流电压相等,这个怎么判断?希望详细说明判断方法.就以这道题为例,图a与图b的等效变换详细分析一下, 解一道带三角函数的方程 请说明解法(教一教我怎么解)我现在上初三 请说详细一点就以下面一道题为例吧:sinC/8=Sin(3∠C)/10 关于多元函数可微可导的问题在自学高数,对于全微分那里可导可微有点模糊,请大神以下面一道题为例指导我一下第一题,/> one,the one ,that,which的区别,以下面的题为例.Is this book __ your brother bought for you as a birthday present?A.one B.the one C.that D.which 高一政治问题谁能教我怎么审政治简答题请以:运用所学知识说明扩大内需的十项措施对贯彻科学发展观的意义 .这道题为例教一下.讲讲思路,说说该答些什么 帮我算一下下面这个三角形的角度!简单的说明下,如何算的 英语...关于冠词的用法,以下面以题为例,希望告诉我如何分辨要不要冠词the,有什么规律吗 帮我分析一下下面几个词的区别just; fair; equal的区别fight; battle; war; struggle; campagine的区别. 小学三年级数学题第2题为什么要这样计算说明一下关键的理解 请问EXCEL绝对地址和相对的地址的应用有啥区别,最好多举几个例子说明一下, somehow 和 anyhow 的区别.最好能几个例子进行详细说明,请知道的朋友指点一下. 次数为n的n次多项式和次数小于n的n次多项式的区别?能不能以f(x)为例说明一下 在一国的GDP核算中,该国海外投资企业的收入应计入GNP中?并说明一下GDP与GNP的区别本题为经济学基础的试题 法语 a partir de,dès,depuis 的用法区别是什么请教一下这几个词后面加时间时的区别,用例句说明最好,