
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/03 08:56:42

9、仓位调整:牛市中股票资产上浮至60%,熊市中下浮至0.调整时点2008 年2月4日.

1, the stock market with both hands: at the same time to invest in stocks and bonds, and with the potential to adjust portfolio. The trend of the market to determine the precise, specific, as well as different market conditions, to adjust portfolio composition, to the greatest degree of long-term, stable income to investors.
  2, to determine in advance the risk of the portfolio, do not take on additional risk in the premise of effective allocation of assets to overcome the performance base of comparison
  3, in building a portfolio based on the pre-adjustment and confidence in the market to determine the allocation of risk and risk-based restrictions on the distribution of the various asset classes to determine the size of the position, so that the future of the portfolio to meet the requirements of the results of calculations of risk.
  4, the market's confidence in the pre-sentence will be related to model-based, including the main parameters of macro-economic environment, the value of national policies, as well as factors such as market sentiment.
  5, the macro trend is a clear slowdown, almost a comprehensive policy to relax.
  A valuation of the shares could fall back to the range of investment, but the fundamentals for an extended period or there is pressure.
  Future still uncertain, and intends to hand the need to do more.
  6, both defensive and growth
  Fund balance-gives us the maximum flexibility
  Stocks rise, a substantial increase in the proportion of equity investments, the pursuit of increased revenue.
  When the stock market fell through the analysis of the risk of pre-control system, a substantial increase in fixed-income securities and cash position, against the risk of fluctuations in the market.
  7,50 support selected stocks: companies from the existing pool of shares, according to the growth characteristics of the value of re-sorting.
  8, to adjust the style: The bull market in the allocation of 75% of the growth stocks in bear market for 75% of the value of the stock.
  9, to adjust positions: The bull market in stocks up to 60% of assets, in the bear market to float downward to 0. Point adjustment on February 4, 2008.
  10, the initial portfolio of building a de facto July 1, 2006, Variety for weeks to re-adjust the unit.
  Compared with the benchmark index: the Shanghai and Shenzhen 300 index × 30% + CITIC bonds S & P index index × 35% + cash × 35%
  11, does not consider the impact of the cost.

英语翻译下面几段中文是关于基金的,1、股市债市两手抓:同时投资于股票和债券,并可随势调整资产组合.通过对市场趋势的准确判断,以及具体不同的市场情况,调整资产组合构成,最大程度的 英语翻译International Monetary Fund 是IMF的全称,我也知道它的中文叫做国际货币基金组织,不过其中的Monetary是个形容词,晕了,那个,funk不就是基金的意思吗?如果monetary也是基金的意思,不就重 哪里有一双手托着一个心的标志啊?有下面那双手也可以是关于慈善基金方面的标志中间是个太阳. 英语翻译翻译这段英文的中文 英语翻译是一个国外基金要求提交的一份官方文件 教育部人文社科基金是什么级别的?是国家级还是省部级?教育部网站关于“教育部人文社科基金一般项目属于国家级还是省部级”问题的回复某先生:教育部人文社科基金一般项目属于国家 英语翻译下面这句话怎么翻译呢:在过去的半年时间内,我第一次试着理财,开始买基金,开始炒股.重要的是,我形成了理财的观念,对经济有了更进一步的认识. 英语翻译求宋璟 那几段的翻译 想问下水利建设基金是怎么算的. 放学回家的路上作文看基金基金基金基金基金基金基金 uy医院与 好哥哥 mutual fund和一般股票型 混合型基金的区别为什么都是一个基金然后下面分1 2 3等好几只小基金是不是把几只小基金凑成一个大的运营?而且股票比例都比较低 英语翻译中国房地产融资的私募基金实现形式研究 债券基金,有很多种类,信用债,可转债,是什么样的基金. (1/3)请帮我把下面这段中文翻译成英文   :在超市安装摄像头的好处是不容忽视的 它很高效很客观 可...(1/3)请帮我把下面这段中文翻译成英文   :在超市安装摄像头的好处是不容忽 英语翻译1 Epistemology2 Ontology3 Positivism4 Relativism5 Rationalism6 Empiricism7 Scepticism这几个名词翻译成中文还是不理解···最好有中文的具体解释,还有下面这几句话的翻译···Falsification of the hypothesis 英语翻译1 Epistemology2 Ontology3 Positivism4 Relativism5 Rationalism6 Empiricism7 Scepticism这几个名词翻译成中文还是不理解···最好有中文的具体解释,还有下面这几句话的翻译···Falsification of the hypothesis 英语翻译不用全部~主要是“富贵不能淫”这句附近的几段 英语翻译会英语的大神把给我把下面这段中文翻译成英语吧...“为什么我每次发推特都被无视.”帮我翻译一下~