
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/03 00:02:00


In 1987,…published a report entitled … The most authoritative definition was given to …that is …
With the development of human society and the deep study to …by theoretic group,as one of the broad sense of sustainable development,foreign trade widely catches the attention from international society day by day.

An article entitled ........was published in 1987, which gave a most authoritative definition,that is ...... Along with the development of society and the deepening research of ..... in theoretical sp...


An article entitled ........was published in 1987, which gave a most authoritative definition,that is ...... Along with the development of society and the deepening research of ..... in theoretical sphere, the sustainable development of foreign trade, as one of the sustainable projects in broad sense, increasingly draws the attention of the international society.


1987, published an article entitled ... ... the report, given ... the most authoritative definition, that is .... With the development of human society ... and theoretical circles of the in-depth stud...


1987, published an article entitled ... ... the report, given ... the most authoritative definition, that is .... With the development of human society ... and theoretical circles of the in-depth study of Foreign Trade and the broad perspective of sustainable development as the topic of sustainable development, growing wider by the international community's attention.


外贸问题汉译英1987年,...发表了一篇题为...的报告,给予了...最权威的定义,即.随着人类社会的发展和理论界对...研究的深入,对外贸易的可持续发展作为广义角度的可持续发展课题之一,日益广 翻译:在1999年,王复幸发表了一文 1895年,英国科学家()发表了物种起源一书,提出来生物进化论 1687年牛顿发表了什么书? 1992年,邓小平发表了什么著作 1904年孙中山发表了什么,提出只有推翻清政府,建立中华民国,才能真正解决中国的问题 1978年5月11日,《光明日报》发表( )一文,引发了真理标准大讨论. 谁知道这个高一的标点符号题怎么改金庸武侠小说该不该进中学课本?这一问题引起了新闻媒体极大的兴趣,为此,《都市早报》发表了《天龙八部登上大雅之堂》的讨论文章.请问这个句子怎么 我证明了奇完全数的存在性问题,可以在哪里发表? 《共产党宣言》是哪一年发表的?距现在多少年了? 尼克松访华的历史原因希望回答问题的各位不要抄一篇作文一样的大段,但是也不要太少.1971年,中美同时发表公告,大意是说:中国邀请尼克松总统访问中国,尼克松愉快的接受了这一邀请.尼克 贸易翻译一句,汉译英XX拟在我行开立离岸账户,具备外贸经营 1947年杜鲁门在国会发表国情咨文反映了怎样的世界格局?这一格局标志的什么帮哈忙...不快点我会死掉的 . 哪位英国数学家发表了,《计算机和智力》一文,提出机器能思考的观点? 1859年,( )发表了《物种起源》一文.其中论述了生物在变异、遗传与自然选择作用下由(1859年,( )发表了《物种起源》一文.其中论述了生物在变异、遗传与自然选择作用下由( )向( )进化的过程. 1917.1胡适发表了什么 1.1978年〈光明日报〉发表〈实践是检验真理的唯一标准〉引发了关于真理标准问题的大讨论.这次讨论( )①否定了“两个凡是”的错误观点 ②打破了长期以来个人崇拜和教条主义的束缚 ③ 我13岁了,智力139,想了很多问题,看了《广义相对论》和《量子论》后有了自己的想法,想发表自己的理论.我想发表自己的理论,在纳发表啊.《空间论》和《构成式》不知道在纳发表啊?我快疯了