大学代数几何相关题目For what values of m is the cubic x0³+x1³+x2³+mx0x1x2=0 in P² nonsingular?Find its inflexion points.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/02 08:43:19

大学代数几何相关题目For what values of m is the cubic x0³+x1³+x2³+mx0x1x2=0 in P² nonsingular?Find its inflexion points.
For what values of m is the cubic x0³+x1³+x2³+mx0x1x2=0 in P² nonsingular?Find its inflexion points.

大学代数几何相关题目For what values of m is the cubic x0³+x1³+x2³+mx0x1x2=0 in P² nonsingular?Find its inflexion points.
方便起见换一下字母:X³+Y³+Z³+mXYZ = 0.
分为两种情况:①x²+x+1 = 0在K上无解,K中的3次单位根只有1;
②x²+x+1 = 0在K上有解,设ω是一个解,K中的3次单位根有1,ω,ω².
曲线的奇点满足方程组3X²+mYZ = 3Y²+mXZ = 3Z²+mXY = 0.
若X,Y,Z中有0,易得X = Y = Z = 0,不对应P²中的点.
故只需考虑XYZ ≠ 0,而由方程可得m³X²Y²Z² = -27X²Y²Z²,因此m³ = -27.
而当m³ = -27,易见(-3:m:m)总是曲线的奇点.
因此曲线非奇异的充要条件是m³ ≠ -27.
对情况①,这等价于m ≠ -3; 而对情况②,这等价于m ≠ -3,-3ω,-3ω²
曲线的Hessian判别式det([6X,mZ,mY;mZ,6Y,mX;mY,mX,6Z]) = (216+2m³)XYZ-6m²(X³+Y³+Z³).
与X³+Y³+Z³+mXYZ = 0联立得8(27+m³)XYZ = 0.
而m³ ≠ -27,故XYZ = 0.分别将X = 0,Y = 0,Z = 0代回方程可求得拐点.