Finally he d____(决定)_____(donate)all his pocket money___(help)the children in poor areas.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/02 12:32:02

Finally he d____(决定)_____(donate)all his pocket money___(help)the children in poor areas.
Finally he d____(决定)_____(donate)all his pocket money___(help)the children in poor areas.

Finally he d____(决定)_____(donate)all his pocket money___(help)the children in poor areas.
decided to donate to help

decided to donate, to help
祝你学习进步,更上一层楼! (*^__^*)

Finally he decided to donate all his pocket money to help the children in poor areas.

1.decided donate help
decide to do something是固定搭配,所以用to donate
to help 表示目的,是为了帮助贫困地区孩子

decided ; to donate ;to help
1, decided 作谓语 有时态
2.decide to do sth可知)_____(donate)要用动词不定式
3.;to help the children in poor areas.作目的状语, help要用动词不定式